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"Who's here...?" You asked softly. Jasper felt the need to cover your mouth with her hand, making you gag slightly. Small particles of sand fell into your mouth, and you took a step back to avoid breathing in anything else on Jasper's palm.

Three short shadows stood in the distance, but they're not who you think they are.

Instead of the Crystal Gems, it was the Ruby trio. Who are they, and how did they suddenly appear in his story? Well, my reader friend, they're stowaways.

Three ferocious rubies from Yellow Diamond's court were known as criminals for shattering a decorated Nephrite captain (One of Yellow Diamond's personal favorites), and they've recently escaped before our precious gems could notice.

They must have stayed hidden in the wing with Lapis and Peridot, because they weren't with you or Jasper. Now, you were terrified. Once the rubies fused, along with their limb enhancers and weapons they stole (they were kept in their gems), they were unstoppable. Not as tall as a Diamond, but more powerful than a Sugillite fusion. They could destroy a gem in less than a second... but lets stop talking about them, shall we?

"It's the Ruby Trio, those damned soldiers..." Jasper muttered in your ear, making you blush slightly. "They must've snuck onto the ship when we weren't looking." You looked up at her. "Rubies? Psh, they're weak little soldiers, why can't we go fight them? Are you scared~?" You teased, pushing her away from you lightly.

Jasper's face went rock solid as she squinted her eyes. Immediately, you knew you shouldn't have done that, and you shrunk backwards in fear, nervously sweating. "I... I'm so sorry, Jasper! Forgive me! I did rescue your life!" You cried out. You fell to your knees and bowed before this giant, perfect quartz.

The shadows in the distance slowly grew shorter, a sign that the rubies were coming closer. "It's the voices again, c'mon!" Jasper looked over at the entrance to the cave and growled. "You messed this up! You pathetic gem!" She grabbed your arm tightly, causing you to yelp. "We've gotta run before they get us!"

"Stop grabbing my arm, that hurts!" You yelled at her. Your gem began to glow softly as you reached towards it with your free hand, almost wanting to rip your weapon out and slice this Jasper's hand off. But, that wouldn't do any good, because she'd poof and then you'd both be screwed.

"Shut up, I'm trying to think!" Jasper said, annoyed. She ran her fingers through her hair and gripped it tightly before she looked at your glowing gem. Her eyes widened just as your gem's light died down. "Hey... what's your weapon?" You looked at your gem (If it's in an unreachable place of sight, just play along.) and tapped it. "It's a W/C, why? What's yours?"

Jasper looked miserably at her feet. "I received a gem destabilizer from Yellow Diamond, but I lost it in the crash. I just have a plan though..."

"What might that be?" Instead of your arm, she placed her hand on your shoulder. You nodded, understanding what she was doing.

"Just play along."

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