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Your fall ended when you hit the cold, hard ground. A grunt left your lips, and your hair was all messed up from the fall. You sat up and groaned, running a finger through your {{H/C}} locks. "Maybe I shouldn't have done that..." you laughed dryly and grabbed your weapon that you had dropped nearly halfway down.

"Yeah, you shouldn't have done that AT ALL!" A higher pitched voice screeched from under you. You yelped and jumped upwards, quickly turning around to see where the voice originated from.

Beneath your feet was a smushed Peridot.  You quickly assisted her and helped her back to her feet. She stood steadily and then smacked your hand away. "Are you--" you began.

"I WAS BEFORE YOU CRUSHED ME!" She snapped at you. 

"I didn't even finish my sentence, but okay," You chuckled and dusted yourself off. You noticed how it wasn't noisy in this small corner you both had fallen in. "Hey Peridot, where had the Pearl and Steven gone...?" You asked, your {{E/C}} scanning your surroundings.

Peridot shrugged. "I hid behind a crystalline column and hid until they were gone, then I decided to come out from the little spot to see if the coast was clear... then I was smushed by you!" She hissed.

You laughed and continued to look around. The room was brightly lit from the massive shards and columns of pale blue, purple, and opaque white crystals. The ground was covered in small crystal bits embedded into the dirt, and you realized it wasn't all just pretty. Mounds of what appeared to be human garbage and treasure laid unorganized everywhere on the ground.

The garbage polluted the beauty of this room, and it appalled you. Never have you seen a room so dirty. You cringed, but at least it didn't smell terrible.

Peridot happened to notice the dirtiness of the room as well, and frowned. "Oh my stars! It's like we landed in an Amethyst's cubby room. Right?" She snickered. You just rolled your eyes. "Some of my friends happen to be amethysts, so shut your mouth and c'mon." You replied, memories of Ametrine returning. You walked ahead as Peridot followed hesitantly.

After what felt like forever of navigating the room with Peridot complaining, you suddenly tripped over something, and fell to the ground. "Ugh," you groaned. "All this damn gar-- Jasper?" You scrambled to your feet when you noticed the familiar yellow uniform behind you.

She was laughing, and you blushed. "What's so funny?" you asked, flustered.

"You tripped over my foot and didn't even notice!" She chuckled.

You shook your head and shoved her away. "Oh, shut up!" You giggled a little to yourself, then went back to your solemn figure from earlier. "How did you get here? Weren't you fighting Amethyst and Garnet?" You raised an eyebrow.

Jasper replied with a shrug. "I'm not entirely sure, {{G/N}}. I believe it was the magic of fan fiction."

You furrowed both of your eyebrows. "Fan... fiction?"

Before Jasper could say anything, Peridot screamed, "THEY'RE HERE," and she clung to Jasper's leg in fear. "MOVE IT!" she barked.

Looking over your shoulder, the three forms appeared hazily from behind some crystals. You yelped and began to run beside Jasper, until she scooped you up into her arms and sprinted. Peridot had crawled her way to Jasper's back, where her small arms held on tight to the thick orange neck.

Your brain flipped out. Your {{S/C}} (skin color) became darker by the minute, and you happily squeaked. Jasper is carrying me, she's actually... CARRYING me!

Time flew by while Jasper escaped, because you just admired her face. Her eyes like a tiger's fur, her hair like apricots, and her soft skin like a tangerine. Her breasts and muscles pressed against your body, and it felt good. You snuggled closer to her, and Jasper's grip tightened.

Then... your skin felt warm, and everything was light. You were too busy hidden in your thoughts, thinking about being with Jasper until you felt a stinging pain on your face, and your senses returned. You could feel the sandy earth beneath you.

"{{G/N}}! My stars, how long does it take you wake you up?!" Jasper mumbled. She was bent over you, and her hair blocked the sunlight, so she couldn't see your blush. A thought came to your mind, and it made you smile. Jasper asked about why you were smiling.

Screw it, might as well do it anyways. I'll get shattered for this.

You cupped Jasper's face in your hands and sat up enough to be inches from her face. You crashed your lips against her full ones, and smiled even wider.

Jasper seemed so surprised, she was just paralyzed. You jolted her from this state by playing with a strand of hair, lips still locked on hers. She got the message and kissed back gently at first, her blush as dark as a rotting pumpkin.

Everything still felt pretty hazy, and then... You woke up.

Jasper was sitting by a fire with Peridot, and it was obvious she had been watching you sleep. She had a small smirk on her face, and she was chuckling. "Were you trying to make out with the air? If so, you're terrible at it."

You blushed and sat up, realizing you were in another near-shore cave, and not with your lips against the buff Cheeto queen. "I-uh... I, I... Uhm..." You stammered and shook your head. It was all a dream... no! I didn't want it to end...

"What happened...? I'm guessing we escaped?" You changed the subject to avoid further conversations... you were afraid of how you might've been kissing the air.

Peridot flicked her bored eyes up to you and nodded. "Yeah. We escaped no thanks to you miss comatose," she sneered.

"Hey, be nice, we're gonna be stuck here until we can find a way to get connections with Homeworld." Jasper interviened before you could fire an insult at the green gem.

Soon after, the fire had been put out, and the vines used as a curtain for the cave had been closed. Peridot had volunteered to stay awake for the night -on her account that the ocean's waves could flood the cave, but that was highly unlikely- and took her position by the entrance.

Jasper had dug herself a small cavity in the sand, and she fell asleep in there. There were two others Peridot had made for you and herself, but since Jasper's had extra room, you quietly slipped into that one with her.

The giant gem was faced towards you, her eyeballs moving from underneath her eyelids. She looked so peaceful, and so vulnerable.

You sighed and moved a stray strand of hair away from her face, then moved closer to her until your body was pressed against her's lightly. Although small in comparison, your body fit on her's like a baseball in a glove.

A large, muscular arm unconsciously draped itself over you, making you smile and squeal internally.

Soon, you fell asleep to the sound of the waves, the soft starlight filling the cave like a nightlight, and the warmth of Jasper curled up around you.

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