Chapter 1

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Liza's POV;

It's July 21 in two days it's David's birthday and I honestly don't know what to get him . We have been married for two months now and he has everything he needs . He just got him a new vlog camera and he only wears black so I really don't know .
I was still in bed thinking about what to get him and I soon realized David wasn't in bed with me . I got up and grabbed my robe and walked into the living room . Nope he wasn't their then I check his office and he wasn't their . Where else could he be at . I walked into the kitchen and their on the counter I saw a folded up price of paper with my name on it . I opened it and it read " Going to Heath and Zane's apartment for a challenge video I will call you later love David " I smiled and walked back to my room . I sat on the bed about to turn on the tv when I got a text from our girls group chat . It was from Gabbie so I opened it .

( The chat )

Gabbie ; Hey girls , y'all up?
Liza ; I am
Corinna : Been up for a hour
Gabbie ; Today do y'all want to just hang ? I'm really bored and Zane's doing a challenge video.
Erin ; Yes ! I'm so fucking bored and Alex's plane won't get back until tonight .
Kristen ; Scotty is with Todd so yea let's do something it really does not matter what .
Gabbie : Any ideas about what we should do ?
Carly: Let's meet up at someone place , we could bring snack and just talk or watch a movie ?
Liza ; Everyone come to my house . We can watch a movie or just talk . Everyone has to bring a snack or something to share .
Kristen ; Okay I'll be their in 15
Still Liza's POV:

Everyone was coming over to just hang . I had to hurry and get ready .
I went to mine a David's closet and looked for something to wear . I found my favorite pear of Ripped Jean shorts and I grabbed a ( I feel weird ) shirt and wore it . I took my hair  out of it's messy bun and brushed it .( BTW Liza's hair is long again ) I kept it down and went to my makeup vanity and sat down . I done light makeup since it was summer and I didn't want to sweat any of it off . It's been about ten minutes and I get a text from Bella ( Heaths girlfriend )
( The chat )

Bella ; Hey Liza I'm really bored , do you want to hangout today ?
Liza ; The girls are coming over in a little bit if you would like to come you can
Bella ; Are you sure ? I don't want to intrude on you guys  plans .
Liza ; it won't be a problem . Everyone is bringing a snack
Bella ; Okay see you soon
Liza ;Okay bye
I then hear a knock at the door . I went to go answer it and it was the girls . I'm guessing some of them road together . Corinna ran up and hugged me . Corinna and I have gotten pretty close since David and Dom used to be roommates and all . Me and the other girls hugged and said hey and we went off into the kitchen .  Girls had brought chips and candy. Carly went to open some candy that's wen it said ."We have to wait ." "For who ? " Carly said " I invited Bella" I then said Gabbie smiled and got happy " Bella's cool we should add her to the girls group " Gabbie then said waiting for someone to answer " Yeah we should " Erin said" and plus she's Heaths girl and Zane and Heath are close " Carly nodded so we then waited . It had been 5 minute later and a knock was at the door . It was Bella . I went to open the door . " Hey Girl !" I said then I hugged her . Gabbie and Corinna came from around the corner and hugged Bella . We walked in and we all started to get candy and chips and water and we went and sat down in the living room . We all started talking about random things " So Liza how are you and David ?" Kristen said loudly everyone turned facing me . " Good " I said "His birthday is in two days  I think we should throw him a surprise party "  " Yes we all can .And we can tell our boys and plan it so were David won't find out . " Gabbie then said . Everyone agreed and that's when I turned to Bella " So Bella how are you and Heath " I said she then smiled and all the girls started to smile waiting for an answer " He's really sweet " she said " Like I know he might acted different when he's with y'all but when he is with me he is sweet and romantic " She then said. We all awed .
We all started to watch the movie Everything , Everything . It was mine and Corinna's favorite movie even though it is like 2 years old .  Half way into the movie I heard my phone go off . David was calling me . I told Carly to pause it and she did .
( The Call)

Liza ;Hello?
David; Hey Babe
Liza ; Hey , what's up ?
David ; Nothing just got down filming three different challenges
Liza ; Oh
David ; I will see you in a little I have to get Dom from his house
Liza ; Okay love you
David ; I love you more

He then hung up . He does that so I won't say that I love him more .

Hours have pasted and it was about 6 at night. Most of the girls had left. It was just me , Gabbie and Erin

" oh shit" Erin said " Alex plane lands in 30 minutes " She then grabbed her bag " would y'all like to come with ?" Gabbie said yes but I said no " you sure ?" Erin and Gabbie asked I nodded and we said our goodbyes . As they left I locked the front door behind them . It was about 10 minutes later when David got home . I was still in the living room when I heard the door unlock . I got up and saw David . I ran to him and hugged him . " Hey babe " he said I backed up from him to see he had a bag of food . We went into the kitchen and ate . While we were eating we were talking about our day . How Me and and girl hung out and then about his videos . David then said " Oh yea tomorrow I'm going with Jason to take Wyatt and Charley to a water park about 2 hours away.Do you want to come ?" I was about to say yes but I then said no . I had remembered me and Gabbie were gonna plan his surprise party . He said okay . It was soon 10 pm and he had just uploaded Monday's video and posted it and he had posted a video of him wipping on his Snapchat so they would know the video is up . I had changed into my joggers and a blue tank top and got into bed . I then felt warm hangs on me stomach and turned to see David laying next to be " good night babe " he said " love you " I kissed him and I fell asleep in his arms .

David and Liza ❤️Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin