Chapter 36

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( Skipping to their gender reveal )

//// quick update the gender reveal is in September Liza is 20 weeks and Kristen is 21 . Josh and Paige son Bryce is 7 months old and they are all back in LA . Last thing is Heath and Bella already had the twins Jacob and Kimberly and they are 2 months old ////

Liza POV ;

Today is our gender reveal and I'm so excited. We decided to have it on the beach so we rented a building that was in the beach for the gender reveal . David and I both think it's a boy because I'm craving the same things that I was when I was pregnant with Tommy . But I would like a daughter . Kristen says boy for her and Scott says girl . It was soon 12:20pm we put Tommy in his car seat and Knox climbed in the beach seat . We then got into the car and drove to the building . When we arrived everyone was already their . Our friends and our family . We all ate first and talked . Then it was time for us to find out the gender . Gabbie and Corinna decided to plan the whole gender thing since they are Tommy and Ella's god mothers . Everyone the left the building and walked onto the beach . Gabbie and Corinna walked out holding 2 big balloons . One had DL&T on it and the other had SK&E on it . Everyone then gathered around " Guys So this is how it's going to happen " Gabbie says " They are going to pop their balloons at different times with a pin " Corinna says " If it's blue it's a boy" Corinna said " and pink if it's a girl " Everyone Nodded . Taylor our photographer was taking pictures and everyone else was recording . Then they handed us out balloons . David held it so I could pop it . " so what do y'all think Liza's having ?" David yelled so they could hear because the waves were crashing kinda loud I heard my mom yell girl and some others and some yelled boy ." What's about Kristen ?" Scott yelled and we heard girls and boys . " okay everyone it's time to find out " we decided that Scott and Kristen should go first . Kristen and popped the balloon . Blue balloons came out " Boy!!" Was yelled from the crowd . Everyone cheered and clapped . Then we popped ours it was Pink! I was having a Mini me ! I then hugged Kristen and our family and friends . I could not believe that I was going to have a girl . I'd honestly thought it would be a boy !

( time lapse to at home )

David's POV ;

Me and Liza ha spit Tommy in his crib and then we edited our video of the gender reveal so we can post it.
We then headed to bed I put on some black joggers and a white tank top . Knox jumped in the bed and laid down at the bottom . David laid his head near the baby bump and started talking to her . I grabbed my phone and recorded it ."Hi princess , it's daddy . Your gonna be beautiful just like your mommy . All the boys will won't you but they won't get you because your my daughter and I won't allow it " I then laughed and ended the video and I sent it to the girls . Gabbie texted back " aww already over protected" and Bella sent "Heath literally said the same thing about Kimberly" . I then got off my phone and me and David laid down . I felt his warm body behind mine " I will never let anyone hurt y'all or Tommy " he said into my ear . I then felt safe and loved .

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