Chapter 49

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Liza POV ;

I walked over to David with the phone " Who's Jaimie ?" I asked . His eyes widened then he pulled me to the side . " Liza it's not what you think " he says "  okay David then what is it ?" I ask I could feel my face get red . He then pulled me away from everyone else . " you can't tell anyone , mainly Bella " he says " okay just tell me !" I say kinda loudly . " Heath had gotten a girl pregnant " David said . I'm shocked " what do you mean " I ask "before he met Bella . Before they got married , before he proposed he had gotten a girl pregnant . They use to talk I think go out . But now she had a 2 year old Son with her . And before Bella got pregnant she  said she was pregnant he got drunk and got her pregnant again " I push my hair out of my face " Are you serious ?" I asked and he nodded . So Heath has 2 kids with Jaimie ?"  " Yes , but he can't get the money for child support . So I told him I will help him until he can " I hugged David but I felt bad for Bella . I knew she will literally cry her eyes out if she found out. I walked back over to the girls . I saw Bella just sitting their on FaceTime with her parents . They have the twins . I could tell how happy she was and I thought Heath was happy to . But things change I guess . David walks over to me and whispers into my ear " He plans on tell her when we get back in LA" I nodded and looked at them . Bella was happy . But was Heath ? I felt like I was lost in the middle of everything . I felt like all the guys knew but me . I know this isn't about me but I thought David told me everything .

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