Chapter 2

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David's POV;
It was the next morning and I had woken up at 7 am and got ready for the water park and I put my swim trunks into a bag with goggles and snacks . I then put on some black shorts and a black shirt that said "D&L 2019 " on it . Then I put on a black hat and went to get my camera .I looked at the bed and I saw Liza asleep so I decided to start today's video off with her . I turned on my camera to were it was facing her and I said " what a sleepy head " and laughed . I turned the camera off so I wouldn't waste any battery . I then grabbed my Go pro and headed towards the door and I heard a honk . I knew it was Jason

Liza's POV;

I woke up and jumped out of bed . I quickly ran to the bathroom and to the toilet and I threw up . I don't know why I did .It was weird . I whipped my face and went to grab my phone it was 10 am . I went to my period tracking app to see when my period would start . I was shocked to see that I was suppose to start my period a week ago . I quickly get out of the app and texted Gabbie . I didn't know what else to do

(The text )
Liza ; Gabbie!
Gabbie ; what's wrong ?!
Liza ; I'm a week late with my period !
Gabbie ; I'm on my way
Gabbie was on her way to my house . I knew I should tell Gabbie because she was my first friend when I moved out here to LA . I met her right after I met David because him and Gabbie or best friends .

(20 minutes latter )

I hear a couple knocks at the door . I went to open it and it was Gabbie . She had been to Target because she had a Target bag . She went to the counter in the kitchen and pored the bag out . She had candy and ice cream and a pregnancy text . She handed it to me . " her go take it " she said . I grabbed it out of her hand and walked into mine and David's room and into our bathroom . I closed and locked the door. And took the test out .

Gabbie's POV;

When Liza texted me and told me she missed her period I was so happy . I knew that her and David where gonna have kids pretty quickly after they got married . David was about to turn 23 tomorrow . I didn't think their was a better time then this !

Liza's POV;
( 3 minutes later )

I had already peed on it . I was just waiting for it to show . I counted to 30 and then looked at it . Their it said I was Pregnant . I grabbed the test , ran out of the room and it the kitchen were Gabbie was standing . I held the pregnancy test up into the air "Yes Gabbie I'm Pregnant !" Gabbie jumped with joy and hugged me . " Congrats " she said . I didn't realize I had started to cry . I then looked at Gabbie and said " don't tell anyone I want to tell David and everyone else at his surprise party tomorrow ." She nodded and laughed . We then started to text everyone telling them about David's party tomorrow .

It was about 7pm when David got home . I hugged him " So how was the water park ?" David then looked at me and laughed and said " Jason got us kicked out because he kept playing on the Little kids slides" I Then Laughed . David went to take a shower and I stepped outside and called Jason

(The Call)

Jason ; Hey Liza
Liza ; Hey
Jason ; so let me guess David told you what happened ?
Liza ; (laughing ) Yes
Jason; I did it for the "vlog"
Liza ; like always , but Jason tomorrow I'm planning a surprise party for David . I was wondering if you would get him out of the house for a little bit before it
Jason; of course I will have Wyatt and Charley is that okay
Liza ; yeah they can come
Jason ; Okay see you tomorrow
Liza ;Bye
I went back inside and changed into my pjs . I got into bed and David soon joined me . " baby tomorrow your gonna be 23" " yea I'm getting old " he said I laughed "so what do you want ? " I asked him . " All I want is you " he said and then Kissed my forehead . Then we kissed on the lips and fell asleep .

David and Liza ❤️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ