Chapter 39

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Liza's POV;

( 1 month later )

"Diary intro "
January 8th , 2021

Today has been a month since the night of your accident . A month ago to day you got into a coma and soon after your heart had stopped . But your still alive and with us . We all like to think that you can hear us talking to you .In less than 3 months Tommy and Ella will be 2 . Also our baby girl will be here soon . Kristen might have her baby boy today or tomorrow . She has been having contractions . Our fans were here the night of the accident. News and paparazzi too. Me and Tommy made a video to the world about what happened . You have a lot of cards and stuff here for you . We all decided not to open them until your awake. We all miss you David .
I got done writing in the notebook and I sat it down . I saw Tommy on the floor playing with the cars my mom had gotten him for Christmas . Sometimes Gabbie will watch Tommy and he will get to see Knox . I can tell he misses him sometimes . I do too . Me and Tommy visit David a lot during the day and sometime we even spend the night here by his side . It was about 1 pm I was coloring a picture with Tommy when I heard foot steps run into the room . It was Gabbie " Kristen is about to have her son ." She said . I saw that she had Ella in her arms so I grabbed Tommy and we headed up stairs to the baby area . We sat in the waiting room . Corinna was their with Dom and us . About 10 minutes past and a nurse came to us " Are y'all here for Kristen Sire ?" She asked and we nodded ." Y'all May see her now ". We got up and walked down the hall and entered the room . She was laying in the bed and Scott was looking out the window . " Hey Girl " Corinna said " Hey guys " she said back " I would like y'all to meet Isaac Elijah Sire . " Scott says as he turns around he's holding a little baby in his arms ." Aww" Corinna says .  We all go and meet him . His eyes are blue and you can see he has some hair in his head . Looks to be Kristen's color . " How much did he weight ?" I asked " 7 pounds 5 Oz " She says . We all visited for a little the rest of the group visited to . Me and Tommy headed back down stairs to David's room . He's still hooked up to all of these machines . I hate seeing him this way . Tommy didn't really understand what was going on but he knew daddy was okay . Everyone night I leave the notebook by his bed so if he wakes up while we are gone he  could read it . So I left it . I picked up some of Tommy's toys and drawings he colored . He always colors about 2 per day . One for me and one for daddy . I grabbed the bag and I picked up Tommy . " bye daddy " he says while kisses his forehead . " bye David" I say as I kiss him .  I walk towards the door and I turn around and looked at him for a second . Then I walked out and closed the door behind me . Since Ella can't be in the room with Kristen and Scott all the time we ended up going out . Gabbie had Ella because Corinna had to do some papers for Isaac so she can be his god mom . So me, Tommy,Zane, Gabbie and Ella went and ate at Chick Fil A . The kids ate and then went and played in the play room . " So are you ready for her to be here ?" Zane asked as heh took a sip of his Coke " Yea , I'm ready to meet this baby girl " I say as I look down at my belly . " did you find her a name yet ?" Gabbie asked and I shook my head " Not yet .." we then continued to eat and Corinna came by to get Ella . " sorry I'm late it was a lot of papers " she says . Gabbie handed her Ella's diaper bag and she picked up Ella . " I will call you guys later" we nodded and Corinna left .

( time lapse to at home )

My parents where here in LA because in about a week I will be having my baby girl . They stayed in the guest room and Jason had brought Knox back . Tommy was playing with him in the living room . " So hows Scott and Kristen ?" My dad asked " Good ! Actually I forgot to tell y'all they had their son " " Awww" my mom said "what's his name ?" She said with a smile " Isaac Elijah Sire " I said . " I like the name " my dad said as he turned and looked at Tommy . " What about her name ?" My mom asked . I looked down at my belly " I don't have a name for her yet " I said " me and David had so many names we never agreed on one " I say .  My dad comes to me and gives me a side hug ." It's okay baby girl . I know you will pick the perfect name for her " he said " and I know David will like it . That night I was on Snapchat . My parents had already helped me out Tommy to sleep and they had headed to their room . I saw Bella had posted a video . It was of Jacob and Kimberly . They were trying baby foods and Jacob had got some on Heath . I laughed , then Josh called me and I answered .

(The call)

Josh; Hey Liza
Liza ; Hey hows Paige and the kids
Josh ; good Paige went to Colorado with Bryce so it's just me and Victoria .
We then talked about David and some other stuff and we then got off the phone . I laid on my side did the bed . Alone I was missing David like always .

David and Liza ❤️Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat