Chapter 25

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David's POV;

We had been on the bus for a while and I was sitting with the guys . I look back at the girls and realize that Liza is asleep while Tommy . I decided to let her sleep so I walked back their and picked up Tommy and brought him back to my seat . " aww look how good of a dad David is" Zane says I smile and noticed he was recording me . I knew it was going on Snapchat . I sat Tommy in my lap and he started to cry lightly . " buddy what's wrong " I say . I picked him up and smiled him he didn't smell stinky . Then I felt if forehead and he didn't feel hot . I didn't know what was wrong . " David " I hear behind me and it's Gabbie handing me Tommy's blue blanket . "Oh yes thank you " I laid the blanket in front of Tommy and he stopped crying . He was actually happy. In that moment I kinda realized that I didn't know he needed that blanket . I didn't know he would cry about it . I felt like I didn't even know my own son.

Liza's POV;

I wake up to a empty bus and no Tommy on my lap . I panicked. I ran down the isle and off the bus . I then saw Corinna and the bus driver getting a bag out of the bottom of the bus . "Corinna have you seen Tommy ?!" I say " no I thought he was with you ." She then said . I had realized we were in a Burger King  parking lot. I ran towards the door and I heard Corinna running after me. I see everyone in the line and I speed walked to them . "Have you guys seen Tommy ?!" I asked and before I could say anything I heard someone cut me off ." Liza ?" I turn around and see David holding Tommy . I quickly hugged them both.

David's POV;

"What's wrong Liza what happened ?" I ask " she thought she lost Tommy " Jason whispered into my ear my mouth dropped open a little then I close it . " I woke up to a empty bus and I thought something happened " she says I could tell that she was scared . I hugged her and handed her Tommy ." It's okay babe " I say " let's gets some food. We all quickly ordered and ate in the bus and drove . We had about 1 more hour until we got to Las Vegas .

( time lapse)

Liza's POV;
I was talking to the girls and I saw that Tommy and Alaina were somehow laughing at each other . I swear all the girls started to record it " my god son " Gabbie says and I smiled . " seen it to me please " I say " of course " she says . Us girls continued our gossip and then we heard " Were in Vegas !" Yelled by Heath and everyone started to cheer . We soon arrived at our hotel and all the guys checked us in . Their are 5 rooms that all connected together . Me,David, Tommy, Kristen ,Scotty and Alaina shared a room. Jason,Wyatt,Charley and Matt shared ,Zane,Gabbie,Heath,and Bella shared .Dom, Corinna ,Alex,and Erin
Shared . And Todd, Carly ,Josh,Paige,and Victoria shared
We all went to our rooms and Un packed a little I felt like everyone was tired .

David's POV;

Everyone was tired and decided to take and nap . I had went downstairs and Scott to get us  another key card so we all well have one . When we walked into the room I saw Liza on our bed laying with Tommy and Kristen was Laying with Alaina . They were knocked out . We and Scotty both decided to post a picture on Snapchat . Tomorrow at 1 is our show/meet and greet . First we would do the show . Scott and Gabbie would sing , Q&A's , Games and more then about after a couple of minutes after the show we would have a meet and greet where are fans would meet us ,take pictures and videos ,and buy some new merch . All of us are happy because we had some new merch before the trip was made . So we decided to tell our fans about it at Are first stop which is in Las Vegas .
About 3 hours later everyone was ready to explore Vegas some more . We all kinda split up . Zane and Heath went off somewhere . Gabbie and the girls went off to get their nails done . Liza and Kristen didn't go because they already had theirs done . And Paige gave Josh Victoria so she could have fun .Jason,Wyatt,Dom,Charley,And Alex went to the Casino . It was just
Liza,Tommy,Scott,Kristen,Alaina,Josh ,Victoria and I . Liza and Kristen wanted to get the baby's a souvenir, since it was Tommy,Alaina,and Victoria's first time here . We went to a gift shop and found a cute onesie  that says " I drunk to much " and on the back it says Vegas . Liza got Tommy one in a light red color and Kristen got Alaina on in purple . We went back to the hotel and we all decided to go swimming . Me and Scott had our cameras out because this was Tommy and Alaina's first time swimming/ being in a pool . The both started to cry but when Liza and Kristen got in with them they would had the water with their hands and when it splashed they would crack up laughed . Which made everyone else laugh . We got some food under water footage of everyone and the baby's . It was my idea to let Tommy go under water and to quickly bring him back up . At first Liza was not sure but when I did it she saw Tommy smile which made her smile. We all then went to our separate rooms because tomorrow was our 1st meet and greet in almost 3 years . I laid in bed with Liza and earlier the hotel workers brought 2 little cribs for Tommy and Alaina . I got in bed with Liza as Scotty got in with Kristen . " good night babe " I say " good night baby " Liza said " no Liza I was talking to Scott , but I love you too" We all stared to laugh but then I really told Liza I loved her and we kissed . Then I wrapped my arms around her .

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