Chapter 28

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Liza POV ;

I had woken up from my nap and i check my phone . It was about 5pm I saw that I was tagged in a picture that Gabbie had posted . I opened it and it was a picture of all of us outside of the " now entering Las Vegas " sign . The bus driver let us pull over and decided to take our pictures . I liked the picture and commented " Next Oregon ❤️" I then looked to my left and I didn't see David . I sat up and crawled down they bed to where I was still on it ,and I looked into the bathroom he wasn't in their . I then got out of the bed and walked down the hall . I saw that that the office door was cracked open a little so I knocked on the door .

David POV;

I was in the office thinking about how I didn't know that Tommy needed his blanket . I felt like I knew nothing about him . I then hear a knock at the door and I see Liza . " hey , what's wrong ?" She asked as she walked in still standing by the door . " babe come here we need to talk " I say . She walked in and closes the door behind her . She walked to me and sits in my lap ." What's up babe ?..." she then says I Then brushed my hair back with my hands ." Do you remember when we were on the way to Vegas ?" " yea what about it ?" She says kinda leaning back away from me as if I didn't something really bad . I felt like I did . " well you were asleep and Tommy was awake in your arms so I grabbed him so you could sleep " " babe that's sweet " she says with a smile . But by my fave expression she knew their was something else . " I took Tommy back to my seat and he had started to cry , I checked to make sure he was okay and he was . Then Gabbie handed me his blanket and he was all better " I say panicky she looks at me and laughs ." Babe why are you so upset about that ?" " because I didn't know he needed it , I feel like I don't know Tommy . " I then say . Liza then gets up off my lap and holds her hand out to me . I take her hand and we walk out of the office and to Tommy's bedroom door . We walk in quietly not knowing if he was awake and we close the door back quietly . " go" Liza whispers quietly and she points and holds her harm out for my to walk first . I softly walk to his crib and see a happy Tommy . He's awake and ticking around a little . He reaches his arms out to me . I pick him up into my arms . " see " Liza says to me . "He knows who you are . " she then says . Then a funky smell fills the room . " and he knows you good enough for you to change his diaper " we both laughed and I changed his diaper .

Liza's POV ;

After David changed Tommy's diaper I decided to take a dip into the pool . I went into our room and put on a one piece black bathing suit and I put my hair into a bun . I walked outside and saw David in the pool with Tommy . "Come on mommy " David says " we can't have fun with out you " we both smiled and I walked into the pool . We played around in the pool and then went inside . Tomorrow is David's birthday he's going to be 24 , I had everything planned for tomorrow and I hoped he likes it .

( the next morning )

It's David's birthday and I had stuff to do . I quickly got up at 6 and got dressed . I put on some black pants with holes and a lavender colored shirt . I done my hair and basic makeup . I then walked into Tommy room and changed him . I put him into a Green shirt and Khaki pants on us and some little socks that looked like shoes. I then grabbed him diaper bag and my bag and phone . Before we left I wrote David a note and placed it on his phone so when he woke up he'd see it . I walk outside , to the car and placed Tommy in his car seat . I then got into the car placing the bags in the front seat and then I drove out of the driveway . I went straight to Scott and Kristen's . They were helping me plan all of this . When I knocked on the door Kristen answered it . She was already dressed and had Alaina on her side with her bags . " ready ?" I asked and she nodded " ready " . We then went to my car and placed Alaina's car seat in the car and Kristen got in the front seat after I moved the bags . We drove about 30 minutes away to a beach house we had rented for all of us . Their was enough room for all . We then set up the house with decorations and everything . Then soon most came and brought the food and their bags .

David's POV;

After I woke up I saw a note on my phone " Happy birthday babe . I'll call you take xoxo- Liza and Tommy ."
I then smiled it was my 24 birthday . I then got a call from Jason " I'm outside your door " he says I then hung up and ran to the front door ." Happy 24th Birthday , one Day you will look like me ." He says as we all laugh . I then see Scott , Matt and Toddy pop our from the sides trying to scare me " nice try " I say we all share a laugh " David pack your bags were taking you somewhere . I was shocked . I went and packed and got dressed . I put on my usual black and I grabbed my vlog camera and we left . We soon got to a gate and then Todd put a pillow case over my head . " everything is a surprise for now on?" I ask " maybe " Matt says . We all the get out the car and walk for about 2 minutes . We walked into what seemed like a hall way . We walk a little farther and then they rip off the pillow case " surprise !" Yelled by everyone . It was all my friend s , my parents and sibling . I was so happy I hugged everyone and kissed the best life in the world , Liza .

//// hey guys I just want to say that thanks for reading this . I feel like I'm not a good book writer . And also theirs going to be a huge time lapse like a couple of months coming up this next chapter . We won't be showing the Oregon live show but will be talking about live shows . It will be the new year around Liza's birthday ///

David and Liza ❤️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant