Chapter 46

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Liza's POV ;

It's almost 5 in the morning . Mine and David's alarm went off and we got up . David went to Tommy's room to get him dressed and ready and I went to Hanna Grace's room to get her ready . I put her in some little grey tights with a colorful pink,blue , and yellow shirt . I put some socks on her feet and I grabbed her blanket . I then carried her into mine and David's room and I got ready . I put on some black pants with a grey shirt and a adidas jacket . I quickly done my makeup and hair . Then I put on my white converses . Then I grabbed my phone and charger and headed out the room . David was waiting at the front door with all the bags and Tommy . " are you ready ?" He asked " Yeah " I replied . We first went to the car and put Tommy and Hanna Grace in their seats . Then I helped him carry the bags to the car . Then we were on our way .

David's POV ;

When we got to the place t was about 5:45 . Everyone was their . I told Liza to go get on the bus with the kids and I'll bring are carry ons when I come . Jason and Matt helped me put the bags under the bus then we boarded . When we left it was about 5:55 .

( this is who everyone is sitting beside .

Kristen and Liza
Gabbie is sting in front of Liza and Kristen but by herself .
Paige and Bryce "her son"
Carly and Erin
Corinna and Dom
David and Zane
Todd by himself
Heath is sitting by himself
Jason and Matt
Alex and Scotty
Josh and Victoria " his daughter "
Tommy and Ella
Hanna Grace and Isaac
Jacob and Kimberly .)

Liza POV ;

The bus was really quiet . Like some where talking quietly and all but I don't blame them . It's almost 6 in the morning and I was a little tired to .

It has been about 3 hours into our drive to Phoenix. It was about 9:15 in the morning . Everyone was up . I had went and checked on all the kids ( Tommy, Ella,Hanna Grade and Isaac . )
Tommy and Ella where playing games and watching tv on their tablets and the little one where asleep . Everyone was vlogging and snapchating . Well Corinna was asleep so they decided to prank her . Jason had gotten a bottle of water and poured it on her and she woke up . I could of stoped it but I had just realized what they were doing . She jumped up ." What the hell!" She said. Everyone had laughed and she did too.  Gabbie got up and handed her a napkin to wipe herself off with .

(   2 hours later )

We soon arrived in Phoenix . Instead of having a hotel room we stayed at a house that belonged to a friend of Jason's . Luckily they had enough room for everyone . We then got unpacked and got settled . We then walked outside to see a huge pool and slides . It was pretty cool . We all decided to go for a swim . Kristen didn't go in because she was on her period . So her and Paige decided to watch the little ones ( Isaac, Hanna Grace , Bryce , Kimberly and Jacob .)

( later on that night )

David and Heath had started a fire in the fire pit outside and everyone gathered around it . Zane started to sing a song while Matt played his guitar with it . Soon we all went to be . David had looked at me and said . " you know your my everything right ?"

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