Chapter 38

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Liza's POV ;

Jason and Zane had helped me up and walked me back to the waiting area . I
Was crying a lot . My makeup had started to run . I sat down in a chair and Zane sat beside me . I laid my head on his shoulder and then I heard Gabbie and Scott walk in and Kristen had came back from the bathroom . I could hear what they were talking about but didn't acknowledge it .
( what they were saying )

Scotty ; what happened ?
Jason ; it's David
Gabbie ; What about David ?!
Jason ; The alarm went off and then nurses ran back their to a room . Liza had gotten up and saw that it was David's room . They said his heart stopped
Kirstin ; Oh my gosh !
Right then Gabbie ran and Kristen waddled over to me and gave me a hug . I was so upset and everything that I had forgotten Kristen was in the bathroom at first . Gabbie had then handed Tommy to Jason " Where's Ella ?" She asked " my parents have her " Scott said " Yeah But you need to go get her " Kristen said " why" he asked " their flight is in 1 hour and it takes 15 minutes to get their " Kristen said and then Scott left . " what time is it ?" Zane said " almost 6" Jason replied. " Come on Liza ," Gabbie said " I have clothes for you to change into " I had forgotten I had on what I did . I didn't change when I got home because it was
So early into the day . I also realized it was we had been here for 2 and a half hours. Gabbie held her hand out to me and I took it and we walked into the bathroom . We walked into the big stall together and she closed and Locked it behind us . She sat the bag down and opened it. She pulled out my Grey sweat  pants and a white shirt . " You want to wear these ?" She asked " yeah " I say . She hands them to me and turns around ." You can look if you want ." I say because I had remembered at the baby shower that she wanted to help Taylor take pictures of my Bell before she had gotten here . She then turned around and I had already put my shirt on and now my pants . Gabbie had then grabbed the clothes I was wearing before and put them into the bag . She then zipped it up . As I was walking pasted the sinks I stoped and wiped off my running makeup then we went back to the waiting area . Kristen had changed before me . She had on some adidas sweat pants that were black and a pink shirt on that said "Mrs Sire " And the day they gotten married . As I walked back I stopped by Jason who was holding Tommy ." Are you sure Liza ?" He says and I give him a smile and he handed me Tommy . I sat back down and he sat in my lap . Then Zane handed me a bottle for him . " Elizabeth Dobrik ?" The doctor called . I stood up and went to him " yes?" "I know that you heard that David's heart stopped is that correct ? " I nodded and I could feel my eyes start to feel with tears a little " well the good thing is his heart is beating again " when he said that I felt like mine started to beat again. " he's stable but we don't know how long he could be in a coma " " what do you mean ?" Jason says " we are going to run some ex rays and test on David and maybe that could tell how long I'll come back with more info later " he said and he walked away . I'm really happy that he is alive . And right then Scott came back with baby Ella in his arms . Ella's red hair was flowing in the air and scoot rushed over to us . " any news ?" He asked " his hearts beating and he is stable !" I say . We all ended up having a group hug . " Babe why are you out of breath ?" Kristen asked Scotty . He looked at everyone but mainly me ." The news is outside and paparazzi . Some how they found out about David's car accident." My eyes lowered and I sat down . " Liza it's okay " Zane says to me . Then everyone sit down around me . And I look at them " can y'all help me with this ? Like I'm happy David's heart is beating and that he is alive but I'm just worried something else bad will happened . Can y'all just try to keep my mind off David's accident ?" Everyone nodded " of course " Kristen said " What did y'all plane on naming her ?" Jason asked and I smiled " we really don't know yet . We had so many names for her." I laughed and felt my belly and Gabbie had took Tommy off my lap ." That's how it was when we had Ella . " Scott said . " well what ever name y'all chose will be perfect for her I just know it " Jason says . And I smile .  
( time lapse )

It's about 9 at night we had been her for 5 hours . Just Jason,Scott,Kristen, Ella , Gabbie , Zane , Tommy and I . Then the doctor walks over to us ." Mrs Dobrik " he says and I look up at him . " the test didn't work . We don't know how long he's going to be in a coma " the doctor said ."how long could it be ?" I asked " Days,weeks, months , years " " years ? " Scotty says . I couldn't believe it either . I wanted to cry but I looked down and saw Tommy looking at me and I saw my baby girl who will soon be born . I didn't want them to know I was scared or upset . So I held them back . " He will be placed in a room where y'all can see him in about a couple minutes  . You all can stay here or go get something to eat ?" The doctor said then walked off .
" Liza are you hungry ?" Jason asked " Yea a little " I say . " let's go to Taco Bell ?" Gabbie said we all nodded .  When we headed out the door we saw everyone trying to record and take pictures . It was a lot so we all decided to go back into the hospital . " Liza shouldn't be out their " Jason says and everyone else agrees . Tommy was on my side holding his bottle . " y'all it's late " I say " You all can go home" I say while checking the time " Liza you need someone to be here with you " Jason says . " I have Tommy and soon we will be in the room with David . " I say . " Are you sure Liza?" Gabbie says and I nodded . They all then hugged me goodbye " we will come back tomorrow okay ?" Kristen says " ok" I say and then they leave . " I'll leave after I get you and Tommy some real food " Jason says " okay Jason  " I say as we both laughed .
(10 minute later )

Jason comes back with Taco Bell and Tommy a kids meal form Macdonalds . " thank you " I say as I give him a hug ." Your welcome I'll see y'all tomorrow " he says and I nodded . The doctor came to me " y'all can see David now " he says . I follow him down the hall to a room . We walk in and I see David . Plugged up to wires and his head was wrapped around his forehead . I also saw a little bed beside him for me and Tommy . " Can he hear me if we talk to him ?" I asked the doctor before he left " I'd like to think he could " he said back and he left the room and close it behind him . I had a idea I texted Gabbie and said " when you come visit tomorrow bring a note book and a pen "  I sent it to her .  I then changed Tommy into some sleep clothes and I took my Ugg's off . I turned the light off and then me and Tommy laid beside him and fell asleep .

//// Hey guys the next chapter will be a huge time lapse on it////

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