Chapter 5⃣

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Narrator POV
Jungkook bent down to get the necklace but it was stuck. So he got on his kneels to get it but he got the fright of his life when he saw what was under the bed.

"Aisshh a catttt??... Da fuq.How did a cat get in here?"said jungkook running to the other side of the room.

Apparently y/n that was under the bed had snuck into his large wardrobe to hide in very swiftly.

While he was picking up the jewelry on the floor and faced the other direction she hid.It was a chance of luck cos he would've turned around any second.

She was now stuck inside his wardrobe.

"What the hell am I gonna do about that darn cat?"Jungkook said at the other side of the room.

Actually jungkook was allergic to cats and if the cat touched him he'd have an allergic reaction.

The cat had come in cos the girl who left had left the door open.

Y/n almost laughed at jungkook being scared of cats but she controlled herself cos she was hidding.

Jungkook picked up something like a stick and tried kicking the cat out.

Y/n opened up a dress and tried to peep.Seeing the state jungkook was in,She really tried holding her laugh.

It was a strange state to see a manly guy like him being so scared of a mere cat.

"Hahahaha"y/n laughed which made jungkook fall on the ground cos of fright.

"Who's there?"jungkook said with a stick on his hand in a defensive pose.

Y/n's heart was pounding more than usual but she took courage. Jungkook looked so hilarious and then she took out her phone and started taking a video of him.He looked real funny.

But oops phone fell out of her hand. Jungkook shook at this.He went to pick the phone and as he bent down to get it,he heard a sound from the wardrobe.

He raised his head slowly to see what it was and his eyes met with that of y/n.

Now they were screams from both parties as y/n fell down from the wardrobe. She soon stood up and made it to the other side of the room.

"What!! What are you ? Who are you?... What the fuck are you doing here?"
Jungkook started confused with so many questions.

"Well i'm not a cat thats for sure"y/n said laughing.

"The fuck is wrong with you? Nothings funny so why you laughing?"jungkook said coming close.

"Don't you dare come any closer"

"Or what?" Jungkook said when he realized who she was.

"Ohhh so you're the runaway one night stand girl."

"So? Did I win the lottery cos I ran away from you?. If so where my money at?"y/n said folding her arms.

jungkook was amazed at how bold she was and kept coming close.

"I'll scream if you keep coming close "

"Scream no one will hear you?"jungkook said increasing his steps. Just then y/n stooped  down and picked up her phone.

"I didn't want to do this but you pushed me".y/n said manipulating her phone.

"Are you about to call the police?" Jungkook asked.

"Of course not why would I? Trust me I can handle you"

"Damn you're a savage one, aren't you"

"You have no idea what i'm capable of boy but anyway look at this."Y/n said holding up her phone.

"What ??  give me that "

"No no no... I'll show the world just how much of a scardy cat you really are Mr Player jerk."

Jungkook seized the phone away from her but she laughed.I have it saved elsewhere and I'll be sure to use it well.

"So tell me now... What do you want??"

"Well well well lemme see... I can see you're very rich" y/n said walking around


"I need a job or I'll expose your video."y/n said with an evil smirk.

sorry if I keep dragging this scene and I made the chapter only in narrator's POV .But anyway can u still tell meh what u think guys.. I would love that

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