Chapter 3⃣0⃣

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Fear aroused in me as i took off for the road wishing nothing bad had happened to him.

I rushed outside and took a taxi straight for his house.I didnt know if he was there but its the only place I can check now.

Am standing infront of his gate now...ringing his bell but no answer..I rang for a while and then I tried opening it and It was open.

Whoa this is strange ... Like why would he leave his gate open.?

To his door now I start ringing his bell again no answer.I tried calling but he wasn't picking.

Tried opening the door but it was locked.

I have to get this door open.I'm really uneasy at this point.I have to get in.

I spent minutes and minutes on that door shaking and shaking it for minutes and shouting jungkook's name.

My dumb self had forgotten I could pick locks.

It suddenly came to me and I got a hairpin from my bag and picked the lock very swiftly and got in.

Well his house is in a total mess.

Stuff was broken all over the place.

Glass pieces all over the floor.

What the fuck happened.? looked like a huge couple fight.

And what is this I see on the floor??.. It looks like blood


My heart fell out of my chest

"JUNGKOOOOOKKKK"I shouted out with tears in my eyes.

I followed footsteps of blood upstairs with a beating heart.

I slowly opened the door fearing for was his state now. jungkook was lying lifeless on the floor.

It was all over him,the blood..I ran to him without hesitation.

"Jungkook don't dieee.... I need you alive please."

I kept shaking him but he didnt move.

"Please jungkook I NEED YOU ..."

I shouted out.

I didnt want him dead.I.. I him.

Suddenly he started coughing up and I saw a little smile on his face.

"I k knew feel something for me"
He said with so much effort.

He looked like he was gonna die any second.I'd never seen him this weak before.

"You asshole...Shut up."

He smiled and little and then his eyes closed suddenly.

I put my hand on his head and I realized he had a fever.

I took off his blood stained shirt and I kept it aside to clean later.

Oh my ... Holy Abbs...Shut up pervert.

I used a wet towel and I wiped his body helping his temperature go down.

I covered him up later in case he got cold.

He kept mumbling words I couldn't understand but I got "eomma ( mom )" out of it.

I made porridge for him with some ingredients I found in his kitchen.

LAST NIGHT [Jungkook x Reader]  ✔Where stories live. Discover now