Chapter 3⃣3⃣

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I could see like real fury in her eyes.its like she was literally gonna boil.She moved closer to me and started hitting my chest hard in anger.

She's got like these baby hands.This is literally all she can do.What else.

She looked so frustrated when hitting me and I didn't feel it.I just stood there watching her.

After a while,She rested her hands that now hurt.

"Are you done ?" I asked her as she was rubbing her hands.

She just looked at me with red eyes.

"Now come here lemme help you with those hurt hands"

I tried touching her hands and then she shouted.


Before I knew it she was in front of my wardrobe.I dont know what she was about to do but she looked calculative.

She was in this kind of state that it looked like she was derenged.

I couldn't figure her out now.

Then suddenly she gave me this really evil smirk and ran downstairs.

The Fuck.. what is she up to ?

I don't know if I should go downstairs and see what she's up to.

Just when I was about to go downstairs.i saw her rushing back upstairs.

And what was that in her became real visible when she came close.

Oh a knife 🔪


She started coming close to me with it.

"I may not have strength as a woman to beat your man power but guess what I can use this."

She pointed it at me

"What are you doing y/n? "

"What does it look like I'm doing... I'm gonna destroy it."

"Destroy what?"

Holy shit... She's holding up one of my designer suits

How did she pick the most expensive and most treasured one tho.

"We can talk about this you know..."

"Look here dude.. it's either you fix my hair or your suit gets it."

"Let's not be rash"

I said coming a little step closer.

"Either I pour the permanent dye on your suit or I slice it's chest open with this knife.your choice"

"And don't you dare come close"

She gestured as to trying to cut the suit.

"This is not just any suit you know.i could buy your entire life with that"

"Playing conceited now are we? have 5 counts to fix this."

*Points her head*




Pfft she's not gonna do it

"Your bluffing "

"Oh am I now? "


"Anddd 1.."

Shit got real.


I was ready to destroy all of his clothes and even his house.

I don't get this angry often and once I do it takes a whole lot to calm me.

I know destroying his shirt is not gonna change anything but it's sweet revenge and I'll be at peace.

I can't calm down unless I actually destroy something of the person who made me angry.

And now what was he telling me?


He even handed me the real case of the dye.

What a manipulator.

Too late dude your suit is still gonna get it.

I tore a hole into the shirt and I could see the anger in his eyes as I did.

I threw the shirt down then he looked like he was gonna devour me.i had to run.

He ran after me as I dashed downstairs as I entered the kitchen with speed closing the door immediately after me.

I heard him bang the door seconds after which made me shake in fright.

"Open the damn door."he said as his voice sounded like that of the devil who was only interested in dragging me to hell.

"Neveerrr..."I shouted out.

"Your gonna regret what you did y/n"

He said as he banged the door hard making me skip from where I stood.

How do I get out of this.i'm so screwed.

I felt like crying with the thoughts of what he was gonna do to me once I come out of here.


*Some long ass minutes later*

It's been a while now and I don't know how long but I'm tired.

Though there was food here but no bed and I need my bed.i need to get out.

I opened the door slowly as my Lazer eyes scanned the living room,I realised he wasn't there.

Thank the Lord.

It looks like he went to sleep already.

I started at the door very stealthily and
as I opened it.i gave a sign of relief.

My right leg bearly made it outside as I felt myself being pulled back in.

My heart almost dropped to the floor.

"Do you think you can get away from me that easily."

He said as he tightened his grip on my shoulders.It kinda hurt.

"I... I...let go..."

I could only stutter which I hated.

"let's see how your gonna run away from me now."

I felt my breath disappear.

He brought his face and lips close to my neck as he whispered in my ear.

"We are gonna have some fun baby"

I hope you liked this chapter my dear peaches. Please don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts ❤❤❤❤

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