Chapter 41

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I caressed her hair slowly and gently as her  her face was kept buried on my chest.

I just wanna keep holding her till she becomes much better.i don't want to let her cause harm to herself.

She's too precious for that.

Soon I could hear her soft breathing on my chest.I think she must be asleep.

I just took her head slowly and arranged her to sleep on the bed then I covered her up with the blanket.


2 days passed and all she did was cry under her blanket and tried to avoid me.i just wanted to make her feel better.

She had tried several times to kill herself but I kept stopping her.i only went out of the room when she was fast asleep.

"Y/n ?...y/n ?"

I couldn't find her as I got back from getting her food...

Just where the hell is she ? I searched all around the room but I couldn't find her.

What if she causes harm to herself ?. I can't let her do that.I just can't.My heart won't be able to take it if she does.

I even checked the bathroom and she wasn't there.

Maybe she went up to the roof to jump off ?omg no she can't possibly.

Just then I flashbacked to when she cried and tried to kill herself.

I immediately rushed outside In search of her.I then saw her after a while of searching.she was just in the hallway.

"Y/nnnn.."I shouted out her name from a distance as I saw her then I ran to her giving her a hug so tight.

"Dudeee...are you tryna kill me ? What's this for?"She said as I released from the hug.

"Where were you huh ?"

"I just wanted to take a walk... why you so worked up for ?"

"Did you try harming yourself?... did you go up to the roof ? Tell me " I say holding her shoulders lightly.

"Your gonna kill me with your nagging before I do or with that damn tight hug dude "

"Answer me y/n.."

"OK ok.. yes I did"

I held her shoulder tighter.

"It's not what you ..."

"You tried to kill yourself again didn't you?"

"Dude why you so paranoid?"

"Answer me"

"If you'll excuse me I have to rest ... I'm a patient remember."she smiled a little trying to by pass me but I held her hand.

"Do you think this is funny?This is not a damn joke."


Don't you ever scare me like that again..Do you know what I was thinking while looking for you ?...Do you think being alive is a joke...I can't lose another person I love.i just can't ."

Before she could say anything I pulled her close to me as I gave her another tight hug.

I was glad jungkook was there to comfort me.Hes an angel and I'm glad he saved me when he did.

I'm so touched.


I woke up and I didn't find jungkook anywhere but I saw his phone so he must be near.

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