chapter 37

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Jungkook POV


Y/n screamed as I struggled to get away from a possible accident. The car that had tried to hit us or accidentally I don't know just passed by.

We were headed away from the road into a tree.

Almost colliding into the tree,I put my hand infront of y/n shielding her from any possible harm to her.

After a while,I couldn't feel or see whole body was numb.


Yes I felt  pain but the tears and pain I saw in her eyes were inexplicably hurting me deep in my soul.

She went outside and called out for help.I wanted to assist her but my head remained pastered on the steering wheel.i feel so fucking useless.

Soon all went dark..


I opened my eyes to a strange place.My body was in pains.

I was alone and I wondered where y/n was.

I tried standing up but I fell down immediately on the floor.i just couldn't feel my legs.

I shouted out to y/n as i struggled to stand.

"Jungkook"y/n called out as she rushed into the room looking at me worried.

She was with some lady which seemed oddly familiar to me but I couldn't make out where I knew her from.

*After all the struggles to help jungkook lie back on the bed*

"Just why did you stand up..?"y/n asked.

"To move ?"

"Why did you ? Just why ?.."

I was so confused.

"Do you even place value to your life ? Do you think your superman or something.Just who are you to make me worried?...what if you had stupid and careless can you be ? Your so ugghhh..."

I saw tears in her eyes as she spoke.

I wanted to say something but didn't know what exactly to say.

"Y/n... I'm sor.."

"Do you know how I worried thinking you were gonna die trying to save me.?just why ?why ?."

"Cos I lo..."

Before I could finish my statement she left the room.

"She cares about you " the lady said suddenly after a while.

"I don't know about that.. did you even hear her words after I saved her life?"

"She does... do not listen to a lady's word but only to the expression in her eyes that tell you what you need to know"


"Her tears spoke out louder than  her words didn't you see ?"

"I'm neera by the way."
She extended out her hand to me.

I shook it as I told her my name.

"Your face and name sounds familiar but I don't know where I know you perhaps know me ?"

"Dude are you blind ? How can you not recognise me?"


Then it stroke Me... neera ? Her ?

"Omg what happened to you ... you look ..look.."

"Hot ?"



"Not what you were gonna say?"

Neera was a girl in my class who was teased for being fat and ugly but now she's the total opposite.she looked so good.

I turned and saw she was looking at me intensely.

"Well jungkook I worked my ass off to get beautiful so I'd get my revenge on jerks like who made fun of me.ill get back at you all one by one . I'm gonna start with you JUNGKOOK... I even have a list."


Suddenly she burst into laughter.

"Omg did you actually believe me.. was I convincing enough"


To be honest she kinda scared me.

"I told you mom I was born to be an actress " she said looking up smiling.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean any of that..I wanted to get your mind off the pain you feel... it's weird I know"

I just laughed.


I was so devastated when I saw jungkook on the floor like that.

I lashed out at him cos I was so mad at the fact that he risked his life to save mine.i just don't ever wanna lose him.

It's so scary to think.i just had to talk to him that way unconsciously.

I even walked out crying but now I realise he needs me.


Jungkook POV

I heard a knock at the door and suddenly I saw y/n standing there.She looked kinda sad.i was sitting up on the bed.

She walked up to me slowly .i could now  see there was tears in her eyes

She was right infront of me now.

"Look y/n I'm sorry I won't. .."

Just then she put her finger on my lips


After that,She put her hands around my neck giving me a really tight hug.

"Jungkook please never do that to me again...I .. I can't bear to see you hurt."she said very slowly in my ears still hugging me tightly as I hugged her back.

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