chapter 36

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Y/n's POV

"Jungkook?... jungkook ?"
I shook him to wake up but no reply..
He looked like he was in so much hurt me.

There was blood all over his head as it layed on the steering wheel.

His eyes kept opening and closing slowly.

"Oh my God... why did this have to happen ?"
I said out loud as my eyes welled up with tears.

I got out of the car to the other side where he was ... I was so confused on what to do.

I started screaming out for help but we were on a deserted road so it's just wishful thinking that someone will help.

"Someonneee. ... anyoneeee please helllpppp. .."I shouted out loud.

I kept screaming for like a long time  later on ...incoming cars passed but Noone stopped to help.What a wicked road I cried.

It was getting dark. ..

I don't know what to do now.

I looked into the car at survey of his condition which seemed worse.i rested his head down at the passenger's sit slowly.

I then took jungkook out of the car.i don't know what I have go do but I'll have to help somehow.

His weight was so much on me as I tried to pull him out of the car.

He had now passed out

What do I dooooo ?


It's dark now and I'm here drowning in my own tears with jungkook on my lap.

I saw this bright light from a came from a car and the car stopped infront of us.

Being so weak and tired i couldn't even stand and say something.

I saw this slim figure come out from the car.she stepped forward with so much worry in her eyes.

I could see her clearly now cos she was right infront of me.

"Are you OK ?" She asked.

It looked like she couldn't see me clearly.she stepped forward again.Then shouted.

"Oh my Gooodd...what happened ?"She said with her hands on her mouth cos she was shocked.

"Please help us" I cried.


"your ok now"i patted jungkook's head even tho he still wasn't up.

"Thanks a lot for helping" I told her after going outside.

"It's no problem I don't like seeing people helpless and hurt."

I had so much tears in my eyes cos of this lady's kindness.

"It's just most people ignored us but you helped so thank ..."

"Will you stop thanking me ?you know I'm a doctor so I can't bypass hurt people even if I try"

She smiled at me which gave me strength. She was like the kindness person ever.

"You look like you didn't eat since morning and you've been through a lot so I I'll make some dinner and..."

"You don't have ..."

"Shhh now I'll be quick. "

She rushed out giving me that beautiful smile.To be honest she literally looked like an angel with just came to save us . I'm so grateful.


Just looking at jungkook in a resting state . I'm so relieved.Even though he hasn't woken up ever since.

"So is he your husband ? Or boyfriend maybe ?"

I shook cos I hadn't even realised when she came in.i was lost.

"Do you even know how long I've been here ?"She smiled.

"I'm sorry"

" No need..."


"Sooo I asked a question he your..."

" No no he's none of them."

"Are you sure cos the way you look at him screams out you love him."

I became so shy by what she said.i didn't know how to answer.i kinda kept quiet for a while.

"I know I know.. not my business.But just an advice don't deny your feelings for too long.The other person could get hurt "
She put her hand on my shoulder and said closely to me.

Those words actually sank in.


"No buts if your in love go for it. You'll never know if you'll get hurt or not if you don't  try."

"Wait ... are you a seer ? Or perhaps sorcerer.How do u know so much."I said almost seriously

"Your funny."She laughed.

"Even a blind person can tell you have feelings for him"

"Just great"

"Anyway come ... I made food already"


"I love him."I told her while I sipped on juice.

"Wow.. interesting."she laughed.

I looked at her cos I wasn't at first cos shy.

"I'm sorry go on"

"He saved my life.I feel guilty."

I went forth and explained everything to her about me and Jungkook.And even josh.She seemed so nice  so why not.

After a while.

"Tell him you love him." she said.

"It's not so easy"

"I'm not exactly saying it is but.. you love the guy your afraid to get hurt.. you don't know for sure he'll hurt you...your gonna miss happiness if you don't give it a chance so just tell him... Be crazy and just do it for love"

"For love? "

"And remember this he's not your ex so you can't compare him in that aspect . sometimes the devil beside you is even better... he might not even be much of the bad person you think he is."

"Are you a therapist."

She laughed.

"No I'm just a natural at advice"

"It's almost like you were ready to talk to me"

Just then I heard some noise coming from the room jungkook was in and I heard him shout out my name.


I rushed in.

I dunno wtf I just wrote tho 😂😂

Anyway thanks for reading and have a good day beautiful peaches.

Vote and comment juseyooo ..😂💚💚💚💛💛💛💛💜💜💜❤❤❤

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