Chapter 45

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He was all over me.We had cuddled and went to sleep the previous night.

I had just woken up and I couldn't believe I had given myself to Jungkook last night.I'm glad I did it deliberately this time.

Look at him sleep like a little baby.i always love watching him sleep.well creepy but I can't help it.

I have to go before he wakes up... well cos for some reason I'm shy now.

I don't know why but I just love playing so much can't stop myself.i really wanted leave but he's so damn tempting.


"Jungkook please open up the door"i said as I banged at the door.

He had followed me till I ran into the kitchen and locked myself in.

Well that was stupid cos he ended up locking it from outside.i had banged at the door until I got tired.But he was unshooken. Damn he's evil.

After a while it unlocked.i hid but he didn't seem to be coming in.

I later on came out and went outside surveying the area.

I searched but he was not around the living room so I went upstairs but the room was so quiet and empty.

Just where did he go ?

Last place to check was the bathroom.

I got in slowly and stealthily prepared for anything he came up with.But he wasn't there.How weird.

Soon he jumped out from behind the door and started splashing water on me with the shower head.

What a surprise my heart almost fell out of my chest.istg this dude.

Well I tried to run but he locked the door.

All I could do was struggle to get away to no avail.Tried taking it from him to no avail.

"You can't leave now can you ?"he laughed while going on with the water splash.

I had promised to stay but leave in the evening.

I fell down pretentiously cos that was like my only strategy at the moment.He stopped splashing and bent down to check keeping the shower head at the side.

As he bent down to check me.God my soul disappeared.i watched as his wet hair danced on his forehead.

He was soaking wet and hot.The way each drop of water fell down his face to his lips was magical. I couldn't even get his words.All I do could was look at him.

But no.i have to snap out of it.

I immediately stood up and grabbed the shower head and splashed it back to him which got him surprised.

"You crazy girl..." he tried getting away for a while but just then.

He stood there like nothing was happening.
There I was splashing water on him but he just stood there looking at me with this set expression on his face.

He even bit his lip and winked at me.i was literally splashing water on the dude's chest but...

Omg his chest abs now potraying so well in sight.

I hadn't noticed before.. I could see his abs thru his wet white t shirt.

But there he was trying seduce me.Its like he was shootomg a damn shampoo commercial touching his hair all the time the fuck





Soon I couldn't anymore.Then he was now one inch in front of me as he stared down at me.

He put his hands around my waist and pulled me close,making my chest hit his.

I couldn't even blink as I watched the beauty in front of me.I was literally speechless.How can I even think of going home and leaving this holy hotness.

Soon he gave me a peck on my lips very slowly.i was still lost in imagination as I felt the water splash on me and laughter bringing me to reality.yes the shower head had fallen from my hand and now watered me.


"This one fits..."

"No it doesn't..."

"But I like it..."

"No ... go back in and put on the other one"

I rolled my eyes and went back into the dressing room.

We were now at a shop to get me an outfit since the one I had on got wet.

I came out after a while..

"Yess that's the one..."he had this smile plastered on his face after seeing the top I had on with jeans.

"Perv much my boobs are exposed.."

"Well I like it"

"Well I don't..."

"I like it ..."

"I don't like it..."

"i do..."

"I do Ughh fine I'll put it on" I rolled my eyes.

Now at the counter^^

"There's a couple t. shirt on promotion I'd you guys would like to try..."the cashier said with a smile.

"No...Yes" we both said in unison

Well Jungkook said no and I said yes cos I wanted to get off the shirt I wore and I didn't mind wearing couples t shirt with him.

I guess he said  no cos his Pervy self loved what I was putting on... I shook my head.

"The both of you are so cute...well there is the t.shirt"she pointed it out and I ran off immediately to change.

On the t shirts the words.


I looked at the word "his" and wondered if I had actually become HIS
Could I say Jungkook was mine and only mine now ?

How was the chapter ? Was it cute or nah... well idk y'all but tell me tho... comment down below bishessss... I mean peachesss
See honest mistake 😛😍❤💕❤💕❤

We going to cali London to Paris
El mariachi...
Well this is the song on my mind today
Idk why u keep writing songs on my mind

Guys I think I just made a guy to join the army ... yay we have a new fanboiiiiiii

Well you already know tho ..
Love from the authornim to her peach colony... 😘😘❤❤❤❤💕💕💕💖💖

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