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In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the most merciful. Praise be to Allah, the lord of the world. The beneficient, the most merciful. Master of the day of judgment. You alone we worship and you alone we ask for help. Guide us to the right path, the part of those who you favor and not the path of those who earn your anger, nor of those who go astray. Ameen.


The night sky was full of stars, but no moon. Maryam was in the balcony admiring the beauty of the sky at night and missing her husband, Sa'eed. He had left for work since morning and was yet to return. She was bored of staying indoors and repeating the same routines everyday.  She missed working and couldn't wait to give birth and return to her job, as a nurse in a renowned hospital in Abuja.

Sa'eed Mahmud Mubarak, a businessman of twenty nine, happily married to Maryam for a year and expecting an addition to their family soon. His wife was nine months pregnant and was on maternity leave, since a week ago. Sa'eed was a workaholic. He spent almost the entire day at work everyday, but that did not distract him from observing his obligatory prayers on time. He was the religious type.

Maryam, a woman of twenty four; she was a dedicated to her job as a nurse and often times, she worked overnight. She was not too bothered by the fact that her husband was a workaholic, because she was not always at home too. She was also religious, but sometimes after a very long day at work, she returns home exhausted and sleeps off, forgetting to offer her isha prayer.

After a hectic day at work as usual, Sa'eed returned home in the night, visibly exhausted; his tie hanging loosely around his neck. 

"Welcome back home, habibi" Maryam smiled and hugged him. She really missed him a lot as she was already beginning to get tired of the atmosphere that reeked of boredom. She had spent the entire day indoors and that definitely wasn't something she was fond of.

"I missed you." he planted a lingering kiss on her forehead, before stroking her huge baby bump. "How is our little baby in there doing?" He asked, crouching to her abdomen's level and planting a kiss there as well.

She smiled, looking down at her husband. She felt like the luckiest woman to get such a caring husband. She never failed to thank the almighty, everyday. They had been married for almost a year and not once, had they engaged in serious misunderstandings. Little misunderstandings occurred so many times that she could count, but they always found a way to resolve it before the next day. "I missed you too. How was work?" She asked; a duchenne smile, plastered on her face.

He stood straight and his brows furrowed a bit. "It was hectic... as always, but Alhamdulillah, I handled everything well,"

"Let me have your briefcase," she stretched out a hand, with the intention of taking it from him.

He moved the hand holding the briefcase back and shook his head. "It's alright, habibty. I will take it in myself. I don't want you carrying anything heavy in your current condition," he voiced.

She chuckled at his words and shook her head — It was just a briefcase, not a sack full of stones."I'm pregnant, not disabled, you know? Sit here," she pulled him towards to a couch. "- I will be back," before he could speak, she had hurriedly left for the kitchen.

Few minutes later, she returned with a glass of freshly prepared orange juice, a glass of water and some baked snacks, neatly arranged on a tray and presented it to her husband, with a smile.

He looked up at her and returned the smile, then took a sip of the juice and had some of the snacks. "Very delicious," he complimented, making her smile grow even wider. She loved being complimented, especially if it was coming from her husband. She felt satisfied. Besides, who wouldn't?

"Have some," he pushed the plate forward.

"No," she shook her head, as though the snacks disgusted her. "There are some left in the kitchen. Have you prayed isha?" She inquired. Given how tired he was, he might have forgotten and it she took it upon herself to always be there to remind him; a responsibility.

"I have. I prayed in the Masjid before coming home."

"Alright then. The food is served already." She mentioned. "Let's go and have dinner."

He gazed at her in disbelief. "You haven't eaten yet?" 

Maryam knew he would not like it, for he had told her countless number of times to quit waiting for him and have her dinner without him. If not for herself, at least for the sake of the baby she was carrying, but being the adamant person she was, she never listened.

"Why did you wait for me?" He questioned. "Haven't I told you to stop doing that?"

By the tone of his voice, Maryam could tell he was beginning to get a tad angry. She knew she was fond of doing that  — not that he did not appreciate it. She knew he did. A lot. But did not want her to keep doing that for the wellbeing of their unborn baby. Realizing he was getting too serious, she began to tear up. She was getting emotional for trivial things again, she knew. "I'm sorry," she apologized and stormed away.

Getting into the room, she lay on her side, on the bed and did all she could to fight back tears, but her efforts were futile. Her emotion had overclouded all rational thoughts from her mind. What had she done wrong? She was only trying to be a loving wife, but what she got in return was a scolding. She blinked away the tears and waited impatiently for him to come and explain himself. She knew he would come. He had to.

Just as anticipated, she heard the sound of the door opening and someone walking in. She instantly knew it was her husband. Who else? There were the only ones living in the mansion.

She shut her eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"Habibty?" He called in a low pitched voice; subdued.

When she did not respond, he sat on the edge of the bed. "Please stop crying now." he hushed, placing a hand on her hip. "I wasn't yelling at you, I was only trying to make you understand you're pregnant and shouldn't starve yourself and the baby." he began to explain. "I never want to see these tears in your eyes again, expect if they are tears of joy, of course." With the palm of his hand, he wiped away her tears.  

She forced a smile and then gazed at him; unshed tears glistening in her eyes. "I am sorry habibi, I won't do it again.

"I hope so." He smiled. "let's go and eat now, I'm famished." he added, sheepishly.

Smiling, she got up from the bed and together, they went to the dinning room hand in hand.

Maryam couldn't help, but admire the relationship they shared. It was not infallible, but definitely admirable. She always prayed things would remain the same and that no should be able to come between them. She watched earnestly and enthrallingly as he devoured his meal.

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