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"Where do you think you're going to dressed like that?" Busted! Nafisa heard Maryam's voice. Slowly, she turned around and plastered a fake and forceful smile on. Her thoughts were running wild. What if she asked her where she was going to? She couldn't lie because she was already caught red handed. Her friends! They must already be waiting for her arrival. "I asked you a question?" Maryam raised her voice, startling her in the process.

"I ERM..." She stammered and trailed off.

"You ERM what?" Maryam asked irritatedly. "Never mind -" she waved a hand dismissively. "- Go back to your room and don't forget to lock the door before you do so." She ordered before going into the dining room to get a glass of water for Manal.

Nafisa sighed deeply before rolling her eyes at her order. She ruined her plan to spend the night at Yasmeen's and Nafisa was not prepared to let that go. It was all that useless girl's fault! Her plan to divert her parents' attentions to her worked, but the whole situation didn't work in her favor. How was she to begin explaining things to Yasmeen and the girls?! Surely, they would be very mad at her and maybe even withdraw her from the clique. She couldn't afford to let that happen. She had to think of an excuse to give them and a good one at that!

Sluggishly and angrily, she walked back to her room and flung her bag to the wall aggressively. "What do this people even think of themselves? Am I a prisoner here? Why won't they give me my freedom? I do my work in the morning and day; what I decide to do in the night should be none of their businesses!" she gnashed her teeth in fury and went over to where she threw her bag and had all the contents shattered all over the floor. Amongst the contents was her old cellphone. She picked it out and dialed Yasmeen's number.

"Hey!" Yasmeen greeted as soon as she received the call.

"Hi," Nafisa greeted back trying earnestly to make her voice sound low.

"Ask her if she's ready on her way." Nafisa heard Ayesha's voice from the background.

"Where are you?" Yasmeen asked.

"Ayeesha and Zahra are already there right?" Nafisa asked. She didn't know how to begin explaining to them she wouldn't be able to make it because a dreadful woman named Maryam got in the way of her plan - she rolled her eyes again.

"Yeah and we're all waiting for you. Where the hell are you?" Yasmeen asked impatiently. They were all set for the party to begin and just a single person - a person who was even a newbie in the clique was wasting their precious time.

"I... That's why I called-"

"I don't get you?" Yasmeen spoke, cutting Nafisa off.

"Some...something came up, I won't be able to make it to your house tonight!" Nafisa said, clenching her eyes shut. She was afraid of what the outcome of her sentence would be. How angry and disappointed they would get.

"What! You won't be able to come?!" Yasmeen bursted out. The girls who were busy setting things up for the party averted their gazes to Yasmeen's direction and Ayesha snatched the phone away from her before she could comprehend. "What the f***! We've been here waiting for you for ages and suddenly you called to say 'I won't be able to be there' " Ayesha attempted to imitate her voice in a mocking way. "- to hell with you!"

"Please list-" before she could be able to finish her sentence, she heard the call end. "This is all that brat, Manal's fault. She won't get away with this." Nafisa vowed and lay down on her bed, different kinds of thoughts of how to make the girls forgive her and also how to make Manal as well as Maryam pay for the way Ayesha spoke to her over the phone earlier flooded her mind. She waited for sleep to overtake her and when it finally did, she drifted off with the thoughts still on her.

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