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"I'm getting remarried." He deadpanned, looking right into her glassy eyes.

Immediately those three words left his lips, Maryam felt her heart ripping painfully into two. Momentarily, she felt her heart stopped beating. Her lips quivered. Her palm became ice cold in a moment and her fingers trembled violently. She didn't even realise the tears that prickled her eyes until she felt the hot liquid running down her cheeks. In a thousand years, she didn't expect Sa'eed to do something like that to her. He promised her she was the only one for him. Why was he suddenly breaking his promise now? So he had only be lying to her all those years. How could he?! Didn't he know how all these would affect her. She felt more tears running down her cheeks, but she didn't bother to wipe the tears away. In fact, she wanted him to see just how much he hurt her. She wanted him to look into her eyes and repeat what he just said - the words that had her world crashing down in a split second. Perhaps she heard wrong, otherwise her habibi would never do that to her. He loved her too much. "Wha...tt did you... Ju...st say?" She asked, stuttering. The words barely leaving her lips due to the huge lump that suddenly formed in her troat. She would never be able to digest such news. She'd die from heartache.

"I'm sorry." He simply said, with his head hanging low. He didn't dare look into her eyes this time around.

She let out a short, sudden intake of breath and her lips trembled as she spoke. "Why are... You sorry? You haven't done anything wrong." She wiped away her tears. "We should go back to the way we were before. I'm sorry, habibi. I should have listen to you, but it's okay, I can rectify my mis-"

"Habibty! Please stop." He pleaded. "My mind is already made up."

"Nooo... I-" she swallowed hard. "You can't possibly do this to me, habibi. I won't allow you." She sobbed. She couldn't even harbour the mere thought of some other woman inside her home as her husband's wife. WIFE! She couldn't bear the thought of sharing his love - sharing him with her. He wouldn't always be with her and he might just forget all about her - she'd never allow any of that to happen. She would do anything in her power to stop him. She didn't have the heart to see him bring in another woman as his bride. It'd completely shatter her - for this, she was ready to do anything he asked of her. She would quit working willingly if that was what it'd cost.

"I'm sorry." He said, curtly.

"STOP SAYING SORRY!" She hurled. You're not going through with it. I do not agree." Sa'eed remained unmoved by her actions. He wasn't her Sa'eed. He was someone else. Her Sa'eed wouldn't even try joking about getting remarried.

"You can't stop me as my mind has already been made up. There's no going back." He replied and turned to leave.

"Why?" She question with cracked voice. Wasn't she enough for him like he always said? Was it a lie? Was he faking his love as well? - more similar questions clouded her disturbed mind.

"I need a mother for Manal."

Those six words surged right into her heart like a dagger. He needed a mother for Manal? Then what was she? Sa'eed had intentionally and completely demoralized her with those words of his. He had made her seem like the worst person on the surface of the earth. Even to herself. "What am I to her then?" She asked the question in which she dreaded what the answer would be.

"You're just her mother by birth, not by heart since you can't sacrifice your happiness for hers." He replied, unsympathetically. He didn't even stop to think of her condition - how his words would affect her negatively. He had really changed a great deal.

"I want you to be sincere with me; do you still love me?" She asked as a lone tear escaped her eye. His attitude proved otherwise.

Sa'eed looked on, perplexed. He hadn't expected her to ask him that. "Of course." He replied. "I do. I'm not getting married because I don't love you anymore, I'm only doing this because I want a better family for our daughter. The both of us aren't doing our jobs as parents perfectly and our careers are the cause. The person I'm getting married to doesn't have any desire to work, so she's perfect."

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