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Early the next day, Maryam went to a nearby pharmacy and bought some pregnancy test strips. She had a strong hunch it was indeed pregnancy, but she wanted confirmation. Saeed was still sleeping when she returned. He went back to sleep immediately he came back from the masjid after fajr prayer. She walked carefully to the bathroom to avoid Saeed getting up and asking her what the matter was. She hated lying to him. She peed on the strips and waited for approximately ten minutes before taking a look at the result - it was positive. A huge smile appeared on her face and her eyes shimmered with happiness for the additional gift Allah blessed them with. She smiled, imagining how happy her husband would be when he hears of the news. He would be overjoyed. Manal was going to have a sibling to play with. She would no longer be lonely - this thought lighten her heart a lot, but on second thought, if Saeed comes to know of her pregnancy, he would surely force her to quit her job - she was certain. Her lips instantly twitched into a frown and her brows furrowed. She didn't want him to have a reason for stopping her from working, therefore, she came to the conclusion to hide the pregnancy from him for the time being. She would think of ways to make him allow her continue working when her pregnancy starts showing. She quickly  threw the sticks into the trashcan then walked out with a straight and emotionless face like nothing just happened. She lay down on the bed, subconsciously with thoughts regarding her pregnancy running through her mind. Undoubtedly, Saeed would be mad at her when he comes to know she's hiding her pregnancy from him - she knew, but there was nothing she could do at the moment. She was only trying to protect her career.

• • •

Few days later.

Saeed was still oblivious to the fact he was going to father another child soon and Maryam had no intentions of informing him any time soon until she starts showing. Saeed noticed some changes in his wife, but not once did it occur to him she may be pregnant. He believed if that was the case, she would know because she was a nurse and definitely wouldn't keep it from him.

Nafisa on the other hand was becoming more devious and heartless as each day passes. She enjoyed the attention she always got from Mukthar. There was nothing she wanted, she didn't get from him, yet she was not contented. She resulted in stealing from Maryam and Saeed. Whenever she sights their valuables, she would sneakily take it or make Manal bring it for her. On a fateful day when Maryam came back from one of her colleague's weddimg ceremony all exhausted, Nafisa noticed she was putting on expensive gold jewelries - a set of earrings and a necklace. She instantly took a liking in it and was determined to make them hers. She wanted to showoff her new jewelries to her friends and tell them it was a gift from her parents from abroad. That evening, she was restless. She didn't have any means of stealing the jewelries from Maryam because she was not allowed to enter their room. She sat down on the sofa and started thinking of malevolent ways to accomplish her mission. "If I sneak into the room and start rummaging through her drawers and wardrobe for the jewelries, she might wake up or worse her husband. No no." She spurned the thought. It was a senseless. "What if I make that stupid girl, Manal go into the room and take it for me? Yes yes, this one is better." She smiled and arrived at a conclusion to do just that. She stood up and went directly to Manal's room. The poor girl was sleeping peacefully when Nafisa entered. She hissed and started shaking her vigorously in an attempt to wake her up and when she didn't, she went into her bathroom and came back with a bowl of water in her hand. Without thinking twice, she poured the while content on the her. She instantly jerked up all soaked in cold water. Seeing Nafisa in her room scared her more than one could comprehend. She was like a ghost, hunting her every night. She quickly hid her face in between her  folded legs and began to whimper.

"Hey! Will you stop making that irritating sound of yours or until I make you?" Nafisa asked, annoyingly. She didn't know what the exact reason was, but she had a deep hatred  for Manal... Even more than the hatred she felt for Maryam. Saeed was an exception though. She knew how much he hated her, but that didn't change a thing. Her hatred was only directed to Maryam and Manal only.

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