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Dedicated to mushii49


The sound of chirping birds and the ray of light that shone through the window woke Maryam up. Opening her eyelids, behold was the sight she thought was the most beautiful sight she had ever seen - her husband sleeping so peacefully next to her, like a baby. His arm was still lying across her stomach his lips sightly parted - he looked really cute and he was hers alone. But not for too long - she reminded herself and immediately snapped out of her trance when her gaze traveled to the clock hanging on the wall - it was almost 7:30am. She gasped and gently tapped him on the shoulder. "Wake up, habibi."

Sa'eed's eyes fluttered open at the sound of her voice. His demeanor contorted in panic. "Are you okay?"

"Yes. You forgot to wake up for subhi prayer. You should have set an alarm."

"I would have, but the doctor specifically told me to make sure you rest without any disturbance. I didn't know I wouldn't wake up when the call to prayer was made." He face palmed.

"Indisputably, you were overstressed yesterday. You should have seen how you were battling with your eyelids to stay awake."

He chuckled and planted a kiss on her forehead before getting down from the bed. "I will just go to the masjid and pray. I will be right back before you know it."

"Take your time." She smiled and watched as he ambled out of the room.

Not long later, she heard Sa'eed's cellphone ringing beside her. She stretched her arm and got hold of it. Seeing the caller ID, she received the call. "Assalamu alaikum, mum."

"Wa alaikum salam. Maryam?"

"Yes, mum. Good morning."

"What happened to your cellphone? I have been trying to call you since yesterday, but your number isn't going through." She reprimanded.

"My cellphone?" She fumbled around for her phone and when she found it, she realised it was switched off. Instantly, she knew it was Sa'eed's handiwork. "It was switched off." She replied.

"And Sa'eed, where is he? I have called him numerous times as well, but he didn't answer any of my calls. I was so worried."

"I'm sorry on his behalf, mum. He fell asleep quite early yesterday." She replied.

"I'm still going to reprimand him. Is he close by?"

"He just stepped out."

"Tell me sincerely, Maryam; are you alright?" She asked again. Undoubtedly, she knew her mother in law had no idea of what happened to her.

"Why do you ask? Do I sound sick to you?" She chuckled dryly.

"Yes. Now answer my question. Where are you right now?"

"In a hospital." She admitted.

"What exactly happened? How did you fall down the stairs. Couldn't you see the stairs while walking?" She scolded.

"I am sor-" she cut herself off as realization hit her. "How did you... Know?"

"Zainab told me everything, but she doesn't want Sa'eed to know that."

"Oh okay."

"You should have been more careful, dear. How are you right now? Please be sincere with me."

Maryam smiled and her heart swelled with happiness at how much her mother in law cared for her. "Alhamdulilah, mum. I much better now. I might even be discharged today."

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