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"Surprise!!" Zainab squealed and jumped into her waiting arms.

Maryam released herself from the hug and ushered her in. "What a pleasant surprise. I was told you'd come today, but I wasn't expecting you so early in the morning." She voiced.

"Yup. I was very excited to come. I couldn't wait any longer to see my little princess Manal and also this little one here." She smiled, placing a hand on Maryam's stomach.

Her eyes widened a little in surprise. "Who told you...?"

"Who else, but my handsome brother."

Maryam chuckled and shook her head. Zainab had always reminded her of just how lucky she was to get a husband as handsome, religious and patient as Saeed. "Please come in, Zainab."

She walked in and her gaze trailed around. "I can't find Manal and bro anywhere. Lemme guess, he has already left for work and Manal school?"

"Wrong guesses." Maryam chuckled. "They are both upstairs in our- oh! Here he is." She pointed immediately she sighted Saeed coming down from the stairs

"Who is at the door, habibty?" He asked.

"Shhh." Zainab placed a finger on her lips silencing Maryam and quickly went to hide behind the couch.

Maryam suppressed a laugh and composed herself. "What were you saying, habibi?" She asked, walking towards him.

"I asked who was at the door." He repeated.

"Oh that? It was no one. Wrong address." She replied.

"Okay." He turned around and was just about to walk away when Zainab appeared in front of him with a broad smile tugging on her lips. "Zainab?" He called in disbelief and embraced her. How much he missed his sister. He couldn't even remember when last he saw her. Seeing her made him miss his other siblings as well. He pulled back and his brows furrowed. "Why did you hide?"

"I wanted to surprise you. Did I?" She asked.

"Of course, you mischievous girl." He replied pinching her on the right side of her cheek.


"I thought by now you'd have grown up." He teased.

"There's is no fun in being serious all the time, right?" She asked Maryam who had begun to feel her presence was not noticed anymore as the siblings bonded.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Won't you sit down?" Saeed asked with a raised brow. "Or-"

"Alright. Okay, I will." She cut him off and sat down.

Saeed also took a seat beside her. "How was the journey? I'm so glad you decided to come and spend your vacation with us."

"Same here." She giggled.

"How is everyone at home. I hope you extended my greetings."

"I did. Mum sent her regards as well. She wanted to know when next you'd visit her."

"Soon, in shaa Allah."

"Great. Where is that best niece of mine? I haven't seen her around since I arrived."

"She's upstairs sleeping." He replied.

"Sleeping? I thought she was an early riser." She voiced.

"She is, but recently, she hasn't been feeling too good." He replied.

"What's wrong with her?" She asked worriedly.

"Nothing to worry about. She's alright now."

"Such a relief."

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