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"What happened to her? What did you do to her?" Zainab asked, totally horrified.

Sa'eed gazed at her hysterically. "Not now, please." He replied. He already had too much on his mind and she was trying to make things worse.

"She was okay just before I left." Zainab continued.

"I. Said. Not. Now." He enunciated a bit more sternly. Sometimes, he wondered how he managed to tolerate Zainab while they were growing up. She was too inquisitive for his liking.

Zainab took that as a cue to let the matter slide. For the time being. "I will just inform mum what happened h-"

"Don't." He cut her off. "She will be worried."

"But she needs-"

"Please, Zainab."

"Alright. Fine." She sighed. "But I will be telling her later."

"Okay." He replied. He knew there was no need arguing with Zainab. She always did whatever she wanted. "How's Manal doing?"

"She was still crying when I left the house. Seeing her mother in that state worsened the situation." She narrated.

Sa'eed could only imagine what his daughter was going through. He felt extremely bad for her, but one thing he was sure of was that he would try his best to make it up to her. She had really seen more than required at that tender age of hers. Things were going wrong with his family and it was starting to weigh him down, but he had to constantly remind himself that; Allah doesn't place a burden more than one can bear on a person - his heart felt at ease with this reminder. "Why didn't you bring her along?"

"After you left with Maryam, I wanted to take her with me, but I thought it wouldn't be right as it was already getting late." She replied.

"Alright. You can go back to her now. I don't like the fact that she's alone right now." He voiced.

"I also don't like it, but what about Maryam? I'm so worried for her. I want to stay here."

"I understand how you feel, but don't worry, I'm here for her. I won't leave." He assured.

"Alright." She agreed. "But please keep me posted. I want to know when she wakes up."

"In shaa Allah."

"Thanks. May Allah protect her and the baby."

"Amin. When you get home, please give your phone to Manal. I'd like to speak with her."

"I will do that."

"Thank you. Make sure you lock the front door and the windows as well before you sleep."


"Make sure Manal prays before she sleeps. You both should include Maryam in your prayers."

"In shaa Allah. Is there anything else I need to know?"

"None I can think of anymore. You should do the needful. I leave the responsibility of the house to you for tonight."

"Alright." She smiled and turned to leave.

"Zainab." He suddenly called.

She stopped in her tracks and spun around.

"Thank you." He walked closer to her and engulfed her in a hug. "What would have happened if you didn't come to visit today? You've really been of great help and you don't even know that. I'm sorry, you had to witness so many vociferous scenes today."

"You're thanking me for nothing. I hope you know that."

Sa'eed untangled his arms from around her. "Take care and please don't forget to pray for my wife."

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