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The prophet S.A.W said, when a husband and wife look at each other with love, then Allah looks at them with mercy.


"I'm going back to work tomorrow." Maryam informed her husband as her maternity leave was over already.

"Habibty, don't you think it'd be better if you stopped working? You have a baby to take care of now and that should be your main priority," Sa'eed voiced in an attempt to convince her to quit working and stay at home instead.

"You know I can't do that habibi. I love working and it has been my dream ever since I was a child to become a nurse and now that it has become a reality, you want me to quit? We've talked about all these before " she replied convincingly.

"But it's different now. I don't want you to neglect our baby, because of your work." he voiced.

"I'd never do that." She promised. "Don't make me quit please."

"What happens when you are on a nightshift?" He questioned. It had been on his mind for a really long time. How would they be able to cope without her then?

"I...Sa'adatu is here, she will take very good care of Manal in my absence." she stuttered.

Sa'eed shook his head — she depended too much on Sa'adatu to take care of their baby, instead of having the zeal to do it herself. He still wasn't happy with her reply. It'd have been much more better if she did that herself instead, but he knew how adamant she could be when she wanted to — she would never comply willingly. "I still -" he didn't get to finish what he was about to say, because she interjected mid sentence.

"I promise not to neglect Manal," she promised, her gaze fixed in his.

He could have easily given her an order to quit working and she would, even though it would not be willingly, but he didn't want to force her into doing as he wished — it would be highly unfair of him. He wanted her to do it on her own free will and he was ready to wait for the day when she would come to him with her letter of resignation willingly. He hesitated before muttering, "Alright." Under his breath.

"Thank you, habibi," she gave a duchenne smile. "I—" before she could finish what she was about to say, Manal's cries filled the room. "I will go get her." She excused herself and ambled out.

Walking into the nursery, she took her out of her crib. Positioning her close to her heart - in her arms, she began to sway her soothingly, until her cries completely stopped and soon fell asleep.

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Years passed in what seemed like a blink of an eye, with Manal in the house bringing ecstasy to her parents. Maryam abided by her promise and tried her best never to neglect Manal whenever she needed her. She was thankful to Sa'adatu because she was of immense help taking care of her baby girl. When Sa'adatu appeared before them on a fateful day, all of a sudden and told her and Sa'eed she was quitting her job as their maid, she became despondent - It'd be hard to cope with work and Manal at the same time without her around. Sa'eed would have an additional reason to try to convince her to quit her job.

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