Chapter 3

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"Here just let me put all this stuff away." He said and attempted to gather up everything.

"Honestly it's fine. It doesn't bother me." I told him.

"Okay, then that's good." He said. I looked around his house, it was obvious he loved smoking marijuana.

"So why am I here and not with Alec?" I asked. At this point, I didn't mind being away from him, but I just wanted to know why. For some reason my wolf yearned for him, I couldn't help but feel an emptiness when I was away from him. He looked nervous and then he groaned out loud, "Okay, I'll tell you. Just don't tell him. But first, what's your name?" He spoke then muttered something about him being put in the middle of this.

"My name is Leah Indica" I stated waiting for him to explain. He stifled a laugh.

"Yeah. My last name is Indica. Let's get on with our conversation." I bluntly said and he busted into a fit of laughter. I smiled at his stupidity.

"Well, Alec told me about the fight or argument. Which I wanted you to know, he feels a little bad about it. And, I'm sorry that he got carried away." He continued, "He thought you'd feel more comfortable with someone not as... Monstrous- as he put it." He explained making me feel a little guilty. After all, I did antagonize him.

"So he does care a little bit." I dragged out.

"He does. I'm still not sure if he wants a mate though." He gave me a sad apologetic look.

"It's okay." I lowly said knowing he could hear me.

"He wasn't always like that though." He said as we both sat down on the couch.

"What was he like then?" I asked because I did wonder what he was like before the incident of him losing his eyesight. Rem laughed as if recalling back memories, "Well when he was actually normal..."

Eight years old, that was all Remmy was. Ten years old, that was all Alec was. They were both young boys and the best of friends. They were curious children and loved to play, and the fresh snow had laid beautifully on the ground.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

Alec was eager to play with Remmy this morning due to school being canceled because of the snow storm they got last night. Rem's mom opened the door.

"Can Rem come out to play today?" Alec used his big brown doe eyes as an advantage.

Rem rushed out the door and tackled him to the ground. Both of the boys laughed and played in the snow for what seemed like hours. Having snowball wars and building snowmen. As the snow continued to fall they began to pack down a hill to go sledding. They laughed endlessly. "Alec check this out!" Remmy stood on a sled and went down the hill. Halfway down the hill he fell hitting a tree head first. Alec turned very scared because Remmy wasn't moving. He ran as fast as he could down the hill without slipping. "Rem? Rem! Wake up." Alec turned Rem over and there was blood running down his nose. Alec picked up Rem and carried him to the door by himself. Rem's mom met them at the door and ushered both boys in. Alec was in tears because he thought his only friend was going to die, and it was his idea to go sledding. Once Rem's mom was done giving her son medical treatment she went back to the living room and comforted the crying ten-year-old Alec.

"That shows how passionate he was before the incident. He actually wanted to be a doctor." He chuckled at that.

"Oh," I said. "How many days has it been since the ceremony?" I asked.

"Two." He answered.

I thought it only has been one day. Oh well. "I know that Alec lost his eyesight at war. What was the war about?" I asked. No one ever knew the real truth, which was strange.

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