☆Chapter 24☆

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"Damon, I already toldeth you. Alec, Leah, and I are the only ones going up the mountain tomorrow morning." Insuvai argued with Damon.

"But why." He whined.

"Because I hath said so. So helpeth me god, if I have to bind to this hotel room than I shall." Insuvai yelled. I busted out laughing.

We all check into a hotel room a half hour ago and it was a little past midnight. Tomorrow morning, Insuvai, Alec, and I would begin the expedition up to to the second witch cavern.

"So how long is it going to take anyway," I asked.

"About two weeks since we should be going at a festinate pace."

"Thanks Insuvai," I said to her. I gave her a big bone-crushing hug.

"What was that about?" She asked confused.

"Just a hug. I should be going now. We have a long trip ahead of us." I said.

"Bye guys." I waved goodnight to them and they did the same. I left their hotel room and went to mine.

"So it's going to be two weeks?" Alec said when I entered the medium sized room.

"Yes. Then you'll have what you want."

"Thank you." He said.

"No problem. What are mates for."

I took a shower and brushed my hair and teeth. After I got out, Alec took his shower. I sent a couple texts out to Rem, Alice, Xena, and all my family members that had a phone. When Alec was done with his shower I quickly put my phone away. Then I crawled into the hotel bed. I was beyond tired so it was not hard to fall asleep


"Leah, we have to leave soon." Alec woke me up the next morning.

"Okay," I muttered sleepily.

He went to the bathroom and I took that as my chance to get dressed. I put on a pair of leggings and brushed my naturally straight blond hair. When he came out of the bathroom, I stood up and walked toward him.

"What do you need?" He asked.

I caught him off guard when I hugged him quickly. "I'm going to make sure Insuvai is up." I walked to their hotel room and knocked quietly on their door. Insuvai smiled when she opened the door.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Indeed, I'll be out. And we can useth Damon's truck, I already asked."

I went down to the lobby and waited on both of them. Insuvai was the first one to come down, and Alec met up with us shortly. "Okay let's get this show on the road." Insuvai smiled while spinning the keys in her hand.

"When was the last time you even drove a vehicle?" I asked.

"Fifty years ago. Nay big dealeth." She waved it off with her hand.

"Moon goddess please help us," Alec muttered.

"I'm scared," I admitted.

"I'm not lacking valor. Just a bit rusty."

We all got in the truck, for what seemed like the thousandth time, and she started to drive. I was in the passenger seat and Alec was in the back. We had our backpacks and equipment in the back with Alec.

Insuvai wasn't that bad of a driver, besides the speeding, but it still scared the hell out of me.

A couple hours of silence passed by, but soon enough Insuvai was driving along the countryside that led up to Mount Denali.

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