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•Rigged Game || Slam Poetry•

Love is a fool's game

A rigged carnival game,
Put all your coins in,
Put all your time and energy just for a prize you'll never win no matter how hard you'll try.

Love is an hourglass

As the hands
Of fate turn you and your mate over and over
Coil and recoil
Seep into ones lives like sand
Retreat with a turn of a hand.
Funny how fate stops fiddling with the glass when someone says the three forbidden words,

"I trust you."

I Trust You.

Trust is a con man's game.

Fooling others with his trickery, mind games and foolery,
Give into his temptation and trust will rob you
Scar you
Leave you with the question,


"Why was i so dumb to get fooled so easily?

Why did i let him hold my hand?
Hold my bags,
Hold my trust and hold my heart?
Why did i let him play me?"

But once you give into trust
Let him touch you with his slippery hands
Spend your money and buy into love
You're playing life's game
And the grand prize
The grand total
For all the hardships, the heartbreaks
Was that it was just a waste,
A rigged game,

Just A Rigged Game.

Now I'm standing alone
Empty pockets
No more coins to fill the sockets
I look around at all the loving faces
Oblivious to the obvious illusions
While I'm stuck clueless
Not sure what other
Carnival games i should play

Would you want to play another rigged game?

Never learning your lesson
Not caring to lessen the burden.

But we still keep playing even if it's broken.
As if we're expecting that doing the same thing again would give you different results,

It's tiring you see.

We're all just hopeless romantics looking for love,
Looking in all places to fill our hearts spaces,
Even when we're heartbroken
We still want more.

Love is a game,
We should be enjoying it,

But instead we're losing not even close to winning.

So let's just end this rigged game.
So we can move on from what's been made.

It's tiring playing a game,
Especially when you're the one being played,
So how about we play another game?
But this time it's my game and my rules.

So if I'll ever give love a chance again,
I'll play its rigged game,
But this time I'll change the way I'll play its little game.

I'm ready to start over again,
How about you?

Tacenda ♡ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now