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•Our Music•

I remember my dull life.

No color to be seen.
No music to be heard.

Thats when you walked into my life.

You bought again color to my world.

You helped me see things
That I couldn't see before

You helped me hear the things i thought would never hear again.

I was a composer.

You were a musician.

But we were there for each other.

I would write the songs, you would make the tune.

I guess you can say we were making music.

You were my melody, together we're a symphony.

You were the inspiration i needed to write.

I was the notes on your sheet music.

Together we made a song.
The song that shows our love.
The song that practically yells

The song that i hope one day to perform and share with others.

And I hope to share that moment with you.

Tacenda ♡ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now