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•Me and My Guitar•

Me and my guitar,
playing songs only I would know,
Until deep thoughts swallowed me whole.

Isn't playing the guitar just as easy as playing with someone?
The way you play with their feelings as you pluck the strings like your plucking their heart strings.

Strum them with a love song and they start to swoon,
Sing with the tune,
Oh how easy it is move their hearts.

Especially ones made by you, oh how they love things that are personalized just for them.
Make them swoon, make them fall for you.

Sure one can do so, but be sure to catch them when they fall.
Cause when you start to fall,
It's like your life started playing your theme song in an unpleasant manner.
While it's easy to play others,
Take note that they can play you too.

Don't lead others on to the sound of what is pure lies.

Take music as your friend and ally,
Not to be your enemy and executor.

Play the tunes that one would like to hear,
Or make your own which makes it special and better as well.

We would have a reason for doing things,
It's impossible if there wasn't a reason.

As I snapped out of my thinking,
One day maybe I'll find myself asking the question...

Did it reach them?

Tacenda ♡ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now