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•In Memory Of Love || Slam Poetry•

Loving you is like poison,
Slowly dying at every move I make.
What's worse is that I'm addicted,
Once again, you've found me in my worse. This all seems like a curse.

Trying to unlove you is like trying to crawl out of my grave.
Deep and narrow,
Almost as if its just for me.

How do I escape this love?
When everytime you smile,
You dig the grave a little deeper.

Everytime we touch,
You slowly finish off what's left of me.

Everytime you laugh,
Its like you're locking me up in my wooden coffin.

Then you said those words,
Those four most deadly words that sounded the church bells to my funeral,

I Still Love You.

Then my heart starts beating faster and faster, as the tears I've held in for how many years start flowing down,
As I lose my breath trying to give it everything I have just to rise from my own grave with arms open wide just to say,


No. I can't.
I won't.

I love you but I can't be with you.
Is it really love if it hurts? Is it love if you're addicted?
Is it love if you keep coming back?
Is it love or am I just being blind?

You buried our love alive.
It should be a crime,
A tragedy.
It died so young,
It could've been anything,
It could've had a chance but all you gave it was false hope.
And that hope died before it could even grow.

Move past him they say,
But How could I when he tells me I should stay, then the cycle repeats,
Careful not to leave a trail, another scene.

You tell me to stay, then you walk away, leaving me in my grave to rot with the hope that you carelessly ran over.

You may have burried me alive,
But I surrived.
And I will no longer fall for your false hopes and lies.
Broken promises, like the broken shovel you used to bury me with.

Your indecisive ways of coping,
Your guilt of loving me,
Breaking up with me,
Then your constant need to say that you're so sorry.
Sorry for not being enough,
Sorry for not being there,
Sorry I promise Ill be there next time,
Sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry–


I will not crawl back into that forsaken path,

I will not fall back into his warm embrace.

I shall no longer love you back.

I'm no longer letting this deadly cycle repeat.

So be it:
In memory of love.

Tacenda ♡ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now