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•The Heart Of Poetry•


The one most common thing we always feel.

Some of us may not feel it directly but deep down someone out there loves you for who you are.

But in times we feel desperate we go and talk about love.
The people of our hearts desire,
About the ones we love, our pets, our parents, our friends,

And rarely so, ourselves.

Sometimes we look to others with undescribable affection but we don't just look at ourselves in the mirror and say that we are beautiful inside and out.

Now I stand here with another opportunity to speak out to a crowd,
With any topics to choose to my hearts desire.

Most likely I would go with the topic where I could speak about the one my heart yearns,
About the pain and the sorrow I've felt about them.

But for now I'l just settle with words.

Words, words, words.
Why words?

Today I shall speak about the Heart Of Poetry

You see spoken poetry does not just settle with love,
Poetry can go through many different genres,
Make you feel more than just a pang in your heart and can be made by one of many different people.

Yet we choose poetry to talk about love.
When we ourselves can talk about the problems in our environment,
We ourselves can talk about politics,
We can talk about how others are suffering and we just don't realize it, the possibilties are endless.

I want to see a day where people write not just for the points, not just for the fame.
Not just to get a good reaction from the crowd, not just for yourself.

But for what your heart wants to say.

Speak the words with confidence and they will resound in the people around you.
Make them understand what you want to deliver.

26 letters can go a long way.

Combining each letter to form a word and every word to form a sentence.

We can tell a story,
We can leave a mark.
We can change lives by speaking up.

This is why I've chosen words.
Poetry can go a long way.
It's up to us whether we want to use it to change the world or for our own little entertainment.

This is what I mean about the Heart Of Poetry.

Tacenda ♡ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now