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•Lamps In The Darkness•

"I was born in light but inside is darkness, I hated it, but I learned to live and breathe in it, until you came along and you guided me through the dark as if you were my lamp."


Imagine this:
All of us has a lamp,

A lamp that helps us find our way through the dark.

A lamp that helps us search for the ray of light from above.

But we all know lamps,
It's flame would perish from time to time.

So we look to others for a hint of fuel,
A spark to light the fire.

So that we can continue finding our way through the dark.

But there will be times where we can't find anyone else to help light our lamp,

That's when the darkness consumes us.

But it's still up to us,

Whether we should continue,

Or just wallow in the dark.

When we wallow in the dark,
We hope sombody finds us in our time of need.

When we continue,
We keep walking through the dark, in search just for a bit of light to guide the way, a light that came from somebody else's lamp.

There would be times where we would walk together with others as a group,
Finding our way through the dark.

Whether it's just a duo, a trio, or even a whole choir count group.

We stick together and find our way.

Until we want to go another path,
It's the time where we shall part.

It's time to find our own way in the dark.


A.N: The phrase before the start of the poem was from my past self to my dearest best friend, he is the greatest friend i could ever ask for.

So I was digging through my old box of stuff and i found all the stuff he gave me, but the one that stood out the most was the gift where he reminded me of the phrase I said to him.

So I tribute this to him, and for the people who feel lost in life,
Just remember there will always be a light to guide your way through the dark.


Tacenda ♡ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now