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•Moonlit Thoughts•

A peaceful place and a calm looking face.
A burning heart, just like the display of art.
Stargazing in the night,
The world being lit by the moonlight above.

As I lay on the grass admiring the view,
A work of art,
A galaxy or so I cannot bear to part.

Doesn't the moon look lovely tonight?

As I close my eyes and think of anything,
Anything that comes crashing in my mind,
Whether it may be someone I loved,
Or just a beloved memory I wish to try once again.

I could've been wishing under the stars,
Or searching for constellations would be a charm.

I didn't think anywhere near what I thought I would think.
For my thoughts were just about the moon above.
As I peacefully laid on the field of grass,
Maybe yearning for something,
Or maybe just looking for a peace of mind.

As I laid under the moon above,
Its pleasant light shining on me,
I wouldn't ever end this moment.
For I was having moonlit thoughts.

Tacenda ♡ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now