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•I Didn't Win•

I didn't win,
That's for sure.

But what's the difference?

I think I know,

Taking a trip,
Back to the past,

A memory of which I despise to remember,
But refuse to forget.

Endless nights of crying,
I didn't win that day.
I did my best,
But it still wasn't enough.

I'd say I have friends,
But would a stuffed animal whisper sweet nothings in my ear?

Family tried to confort me,
But it wasn't enough.

Looking at the present time,
The me I am now.

I'm no longer crying,
Just putting my head up and smiling.

Unlike before I had friends to be there for me.
My family being more supportive than before.

But even when I lost,
They still celebrated and was there for me through the whole scenario.

I guess not every competition is about winning,
But the moments you had that has a special place in your heart.

Maybe one day,

I'll win for sure.

But at least now,
I could say it with a smile,

I didn't win.

But someday I will.

(This was after I joined my first poetry in motion contest.)

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