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•Birds of a Feather•

You and me.

I saw differently.

You saw us as a couple of friends.

I saw us like Romeo and Juliet,
I saw us like fire and ice,
I saw us like forbidden lovers.

But I always saw us as the bird and the cage.

I was the bird you were the cage.
I was trapped under your roof,
But with care just like a parent would do.
Your cage represented your heart,
As huge as can be.
While I was the bird, as naive as I possibly was.

You took care of me,
Protected me and was always there when I need you.

There was a lock, only you had the key.
You never bothered setting me free,
But neither did I know I was trapped as well.

As the days pass us by and time runs as fast,
I realized I've grown alot.
I felt like I was ready to take my own way and fly.
But you didn't let me.

You had the key but you locked me in.
I didn't like it so I started to feel down.
Our bond began to shrink,
It began to break.

Then I saw new birds outside the cage.
Yet you wouldn't let me go.
I had to stay in boundaries,
I had to follow the rules.

For the first time I felt imprisoned in your presence.
Just as said, I didn't like it.

Till one day I decided to set aside what we had,
I realized a line must be drawn,
My territory must be protected not to be left to perish.

Till you got tired of me.
You took the key,
You set me free.

When I flew away,
I did look back.

Time to time, I would fly by.
But ever since then,
you never looked my way again.

Tacenda ♡ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now