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•Fairytales With You•

I love fairytales, especially when it's with you.

You're my knight in shining armour,
You're the prince I get to be with.

You're the hero that saves the world,
Or the sidekick who has my back.

You're the stranger I fell in love with,
You're my soulmate whom I've been looking for.

You're the paper and I'm the pen,
Together we can write our story.

But every story has a plot twist.

You gave me the warm fire, but then you threw me in the flames.
You gave me the ocean,
But then drowned me in the waves.

You gave me a mountain,
With no way to climb it.
You gave me a spaceship,
But nowhere to land it.

You've built me an island,
But left me stranded.
You wrote me a story,
Without a happy ending.

I still love fairytales.
Only if it's not with you.

Tacenda ♡ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now