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•On Lonely Nights•

On lonely nights where the stars shine bright,
The night is young,
But sleepless nights still come.

As I sat alone in my room,
Just having a talk with my friend the moon.

Wishing and hoping,
Asking questions to which has no answers.

As i ask what is it like up there?
To see everything from the sky so high?

I'd beg to be up there with you,
Just to see the whole world lit.

As simple topics goes into something deep,
Listening is your talent, that im thankful you see.

As the moon listens to all my worries,
As my talk starts to scurry,

In the end I know we are in less of a hurry.

Cause there will still be more nights like this to come.

All those lonely nights weren't so lonely after all,

For on these lonely nights,

The moon is a friend for the lonesome to talk to.

Tacenda ♡ [Poetry]Where stories live. Discover now