Hell has no Fury

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The classes themselves were all in familiar subjects. His very first one was Calculus, the bane of his existence. (As a rule Naruto had no use for any math that involved letters.) He and Moka shared only two classes. When they were together she made a point of always sitting next to him. Word of his encounter with Yukari seemed to spread quickly. He noticed that many of the students would give him looks. Mercifully they were not the rage filled looks that still stained his nightmares. No, most of the looks were of a mild contempt or dislike and not all of the students gave them to him. But enough did for him to realize that though he was now an accepted part of the school, he was not a well liked one.


When class ended he found Moka waiting for him outside the main entrance. She was of course surrounded by a small crowd of adoring boys. She quickly but politely escaped their clutches so that she could come over to him. After greeting him and asking how his day had gone she wrapped herself around one of his arms and they headed back to the dorms. Moka was in an excited and talkative mood and eager to share how her day had gone.

Naruto was more than happy just to listen to her. She had the most amazing smile and it pleased him just to see her happy. I want to always see her smiling. He was not going to depress her with how things were going for him. After all, at least he didn't have to worry about being found out any more. Everyone now knew he was a human and his life had not been ended. Though he didn't much care for how some people were treating him he'd known worse, much much worse, and knew he could deal with a few nasty looks and rude comments. So long as he got to spend time with Moka he figured he could deal with anything and still count himself lucky.

They were most of the way back to the dorm when a metal pot seemed to materialize and then drop right on top of Moka's head.


"Ow!" Moka shouted and started rubbing the top of her head.

"Are you all right Moka-chan?" Naruto asked.

That was when an upset looking Yukari stepped out in front of them angrily waving her wand at Moka. "Hey you! Stay away from my boyfriend!"

"Boyfriend?" Naruto said faintly.

Yukari looked up at him pleadingly. "Yes! I love you! So won't you please go out with me?"

Still rubbing the top of her head Moka never the less gave the little girl a friendly look. "I think…"

"No one was talking to you vampire!" She waved her wand and a second larger pot landed on Moka's head.



"I'll use my magic to protect my boyfriend from any of you monsters who would just end up hurting him!"

"O.k. that's enough!" Naruto rushed over to Yukari and easily snatched the wand out of her hand.

"Hey! Give that back! I can't do my magic without it!"

"Oh really?" Naruto took the wand in both hands. "Then I guess if I were to snap it in half…"

"Please don't!" Yukari cried out. "Why are you being so mean to me? I just want to help you!"

"You mean like this morning when you told the whole school I was a ninja? That wasn't a help."

Yukari looked up at him unhappily. "I'm sorry about that, but it's better this way. Now you don't have to pretend to be something you're not. This way it's easy for us to be together."

Naruto's face darkened. "You did it on purpose. I actually thought it might have been a mistake made by an over excited little girl."

"I'm not a little girl!"

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