A Present for Naruto

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Author's Note:  I intend for this to be a very unique story using the characters of Naruto and Rosario and mostly using the Rosario setting. (Please note I said mostly.) And that does mean that some of the Naruto characters will appear.
For those of you who are Bleach fans yes, it is THAT Kenpachi. He looks the same and has the same basic attitude, but is NOT a shinigami. Some of you who have read some of my other stories, especially the Invitation series, know I like to toss in the names of Bleach characters. Using Kenpachi was too good pass up.


He finished up his breakfast in the dorm cafeteria and headed out. Just like always there was a small crowd of boys just outside the entrance. Just like always as soon as he appeared there was a joyful shout of good morning and Moka coming over to take a hold of his arm and begin the walk to the academy. Just like always the other boys stared at the two of them in jealousy and incomprehension.

This wasn't the first time they'd gotten together this morning, they'd spent an hour together working out and sparring. Naruto actually thought she looked even cuter in her grey T shirt and shorts, even without her make up. Some girls were just naturally beautiful he supposed.

"I'm really famished," she said to him. "So can I?"

"Sure," he said to her.

She eagerly leaned in to bite him and have her morning meal. The pain of her bite was slight and after a month he was used to it. But this time…

"Ow!" As she let go there much sharper pain. Naruto slapped a hand to his neck and was very surprised to feel something warm and sticky. "You left a wound this time!"

"I'm so sorry! Here let me help." She pressed a handkerchief to the small wound to stop the flow of delicious blood.

"You've never left a wound before."

"Sorry, I'm really sorry; I guess I got a little over enthusiastic." She pulled back her handkerchief. "The bleeding has stopped."

"Ah, it's all right, just be more careful o.k.?"

"Sure!" She reached up to the back of his head and he felt a sudden painful yank as some of his hair was torn out.

"Ow! Ow!" He stared at her. "Moka what are you doing?!"

"Grey hair," she explained.

He stared at her. "Please stop causing me bodily harm Moka-chan."

"Sorry," she put her arm back around his. (He watched warily to make sure she didn't suddenly start scratching him.) "Now you are still coming to my room Saturday to study with me right?"

He grinned; normally they studied together in the library. But Moka had suddenly invited him to study with her in her dorm room, alone. "Are you kidding? I wouldn't miss it, even if it is October tenth."

"Oh? Is there something special about October tenth?" Moka asked as they were walking again.

"It's… it's a day of mourning for me, normally I would just spend it alone."

"Really?" He thought she sounded a bit surprised. "That's awful Naruto-kun, who are you mourning?"

He hesitated, but went ahead and answered. "My parents," he said quietly. "But I mourn that day for other reasons too."

She was curious to know more, despite all their time together she knew almost nothing about his past. But she could sense that that this was not a subject he wanted to talk about. So she just walked with him for a ways in a comfortable silence. She spoke again as they approached the academy. "Oh could you please tell Kenpachi-sempai that Yukari and I won't be attending the club events today? We both have some tasks we have to take care of that can't wait. We'll both probably be gone until tomorrow."

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