Let it Begin

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The news that Naruto and Moka were a couple was greeted by despair by most of the male student body, by joy from Yukari (who saw this as a step closer to an eventual threesome), and as a challenge by Kurumu.

"I am not giving up on him," Kurumu told Moka the first chance she got alone with her. "Naruto-kun is my destined one and I am going to be with him."

"But Naruto-kun has decided who he wants, he is my boyfriend now. We are officially together." Moka said.

"Hmph, I refuse to see this as anything but an obstacle on my path to a happy marriage. Naruto is still young, it's only natural he make some mistakes before he finally settles down with his true love."

Moka's face darkened angrily. "What we have together is no mistake. Naruto-kun is mine now and I won't let you or anyone else take him from me!"

Kurumu smiled and crossed her arms over her chest. "You have him for right now, but mark my words he'll choose me in the end."


Two Months Later

In the predawn light he took out a kunai. He let his wind chakra surround it. Focus on giving it an edge. Picture two sides grinding against each other, sharpening. When he was satisfied he whipped the kunai back and threw at straight at a nearby tree. The blade went clean through the tree and then through the boulder lying behind it.

"Now that is an effective attack," he said happily as he retrieved his weapon.

"That was wonderful," Moka applauded. More and more of their morning workouts together had been focused on his learning jutsus and ninja skills. She didn't mind in the least as it made him happy to increase his abilities and she was glad he was getting stronger. Youkai academy could be a dangerous place after all. "You are really amazing at how quickly you keep learning these new spells."

"Jutsus," he corrected.

"Jutsus," she repeated. "You really are amazing."

He smiled, enjoying his girlfriend's praise. "Well, it's all thanks to Yukari's book. I've always been good at learning things when I'm really motivated." He ran through some hand signs. "Kage Bushin no Jutsu." Following a massive puff of smoke fifty perfect clones appeared. Naruto puffed out his chest, especially pleased to have mastered this particular jutsu. "You know I spent years trying to make just one functioning ordinary clone without ever managing it. Then I was able to figure out how to make these really powerful shadow clones after just one night of studying." He shook his head in disgust. "I can't help but wonder how powerful I'd be if I'd actually gotten some help from my village." With a thought he dismissed the clones.

"Well the important thing is that you're getting stronger now," Moka said. She smiled and moved closer to him. "Mmmm, your scent, it's wonderful."

She had a look in her eyes that he had come to know well. With a sigh he turned his neck to her. "Go ahead."

"Thank you!" With that she eagerly sunk her teeth into him.


That morning the first semester test results were posted. All two hundred and fifty six members of the freshman class were ranked.

"I'm number one," Yukari said happily. "See I really am a genius."

Hanging on firmly to Naruto's arm Moka pointed to where she was listed. "I am number thirteen."

Naruto smiled at her. "My girlfriend, beautiful, powerful, and intelligent. What more could a guy possibly ask for?"

Moka smiled happily. Since being with him she had started to forget what it had been like to be lonely. "Where are you Naruto-kun?"

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