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Such incredible power!

He felt it pouring out of him like light from the sun. He felt limitless, invincible, almost godlike. This is why they feared me, why they hated me so. The reason for all his past suffering was suddenly clear. They'd understood what was inside of him all this time. They'd understood that one day he'd have this power, and they'd been afraid. Could a human being really have this sort of power? He suddenly recalled what Iruka-sensei had said to him so many years ago, telling him he was not a monster. I wonder if Iruka-sensei might have been wrong.

His train of thought disappeared as he saw Midou backing away from Moka. "Ho… how? You're human! You can't have a demonic aura! What the hell are you?!"

He smiled. He could smell Midou's fear. "I'm a monster, and I'm gonna kill you!" This bastard had been just about to kill the girl he loved. He'd get no mercy. Acting on pure instinct he dropped to all fours and dashed straight for him.

As Naruto came rushing at him he let loose a blood curdling howl that was not even close to human. Midou had been in a hundred fights in his life and come close to dying a few times. He'd never been scared. Even as the vampire had been beating him senseless he'd felt no fear at all. But that howl and the pressure of that killing intent bearing down on him left him feeling weak and frightened. "Wa… wait…" He wasn't sure what he was going to say. But whatever it was he never got the chance. Naruto raced up to him and raked his hand straight up and out. The demonic cloak that surrounded him mimicked his move. A claw made of the solid aura tore straight into his stomach and plunged in deep. Following the motion of Naruto's hand it tore straight up through his chest and neck, gutting him and sending flesh and blood splattering all about. Midou collapsed in a lifeless heap without a sound, his eyes still open and his face still fearful.

Naruto suddenly stopped and looked down at what he had just done.


Eight Years Ago

"Why do we have to kill Iruka-sensei? Isn't it enough just to fight and win? Why must we kill?"

Iruka looked down at the eight year old. This was one of the hardest parts about training ninja, the stripping away of childhood innocence and exposing them to the harsh realities of ninja life.

"Naruto, I am afraid that killing is simply a necessary part of being a ninja. There is no way to avoid it. Be certain, if you become a ninja you will have to kill at some point."

"But why?" His own experiences had left him some strong opinions on the concept of murder.

Iruka sighed. "I'd like to tell you that you will only kill when absolutely necessary, to save your life or the life of a comrade. But that would be a lie. You may well have to kill under those circumstances, but it is just as likely you will have to kill even when that person is no threat. Assassinations are often requested and accepted by us and all other ninja villages. As a ninja you will be expected to be ready to kill whenever it is necessary."

"But why kill someone who's no threat?" Naruto demanded.

"Because Naruto, the world is a hard place with hard problems. And sometimes the best, the easiest solution, is to just kill the person who is the problem."

Naruto frowned. "I don't think I could ever really kill anyone, especially if they hadn't hurt me."

Iruka looked down at him sadly. "I'm sorry Naruto, but if you are going to be a ninja you have no choice, ninja kill."

He swallowed and looked away. "What if I can't?"

A gentle hand patted his shoulder. "It may be very hard Naruto, but when the time comes you will do what has to be done. Just as I have and just as every ninja has."

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