Chapter 24/ Your Future

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Chapter 24: Your future

In the village of Konoha.

"You wished to see me Hokage-sama?" Jiraiya noted that the Hokage seemed to be in an unusually positive mood.

"I did indeed Jiraiya-san; I have just received a most encouraging report and wanted to share it with you." He handed the file over.

As soon as Jiraiya saw who the report was on he read with interest. "Three tails?! He's already accessed that much power since I visited him?"

The Hokage nodded. "At this rate it seems likely he will have accessed the Kyuubi's full power within a year."

"Hokage-sama, please limit your expectations. While it is certainly surprising he could gain this much power in so short a time we cannot expect this rate of growth to continue. Each new tail increases his power level exponentially. The two tail state is twice as powerful as the one; the three tail state is twice as powerful as the two. As the sheer volume of chakra increases he will find it more and more difficult to maintain control."

"Nevertheless it now seems clear that my decisions regarding him were correct. Both by sending him to that academy and having that seal placed on him he has been motivated to acquire the Kyuubi's power."

"That is what scares me," Jiraiya said. "He's definitely motivated all right."

"You still have concerns about his loyalty?"

"Damn right I do! That kid has no reason to love us, just the opposite. Like I already said, Kami help us if he ever gets that seal removed."

"I have faith in the loyalty created by the seal. I also have faith in your unquestioned skill. He will serve Konoha because there is no other option for him save death. However, I agree with you that it would be best if he wanted to serve of his own free will."

"There's no chance of that now."

"I am not so certain. So far he has only seen the negative aspects of serving this village. Perhaps it is time he were shown some of the positives. He is sixteen and of an age to both inherit and marry. I will authorize you to reveal his identity to him and what I intend once he returns."

Jiraiya looked at the Hokage in surprise. "Are you sure Hokage-sama?"

The Hokage looked back also surprised. "You are the one who has been arguing for more humane treatment. I thought you would have supported this idea."

"I just think it would be better to wait until his return to the village. Finding out the truth of his heritage will be quite a lot to take in."

"True, and hopefully it will provide him with even greater motivation. In addition to taking certain documents with you, you will be escorting someone…"


Naruto was sitting at a small desk at the Student Police Committee's headquarters. In front of him were three student personnel files. One was of the student Committee President Hokuto, one was of class representative Mizuki, and the last was of a mysterious third year student named Kiria.

"Hokuto and Mizuki are both definitely members of ANTI-THESIS, And given Hokuto's position he's probably one of their leaders. Let me arrest them and find out what they know."

Kuyou frowned at him. "What is your reason for suspecting them?"

"The second I met Hokuto there was something about him I didn't trust. I've been wearing one sort of mask or another all of my life. I can spot some them easily and I knew Hokuto had one. I insulted him and he let it slip for just a second. Beneath that cheery and wholesome image is someone with a whole lot of anger."

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