Club Activities

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Though it took quite a lot of explaining Naruto was eventually able to convince a relieved Moka that despite the circumstances nothing had happened between him and Kurumu. With that the following two weeks began to settle into a comfortable routine.


"Can I?" Moka asked.

Naruto sighed. "Sure." With that she eagerly bit down on his neck. About thirty seconds later she let go, obviously looking content.

"That is soooo good! Your blood is better than any gourmet meal."

Naruto began to rub the bruise on his neck. "I'm glad you like it."

With that she took a hold of his arm and the two of them began heading towards school arm in arm. As they walked Moka's eyes darted about looking for any sudden ambush from a certain blue haired succubus.

As they walked Naruto felt the morning sunlight on his face. His first few days at the academy had left him thinking the sun would never come out. The days seemed perpetually overcast and gloomy. But he had begun to notice that the sun did come out, though it remained overcast most of the time. Realizing this something occurred to him.

"Sunlight doesn't hurt you does it?"

Moka looked at him in surprise. "Well because I'm so pale I tend to sunburn easily, but otherwise no."

"I just realized that you're not really much like the vampires I've read about. Though of course you do drink blood and are affected by crosses." He thought for a moment. "Do you not cast a reflection in a mirror?"

She gave an amused smile. "That's silly, how could I put my makeup on without a mirror?"

"Does garlic repel you?"

She made a face. "I have a very strong sense of smell so I don't like it much."

"Would a stake through your heart kill you?"

"Uh, wouldn't that kill anyone?"

"Can you turn into a bat?"

She just laughed. "Where do you get this stuff from?"

"They're from the stories I've read or movies I've seen."

She shook her head. "When I was in the human world I read some of those same stories. Humans don't know anything about vampires. Most of what's written about us is pure fantasy."

"What about not being able to cross running water?"

"Hmmm, well water is one of my weaknesses. If I'm surrounded by water it drains away my strength."

"What about being undead?"

She suddenly came to a halt. "Undead?" She reached up and gently pressed a hand to Naruto's cheek. "Is my touch cold Naruto-kun?"

The feel of her fingertips and the familiarity of her words made his cheeks darken a bit. "Ac… actually you feel pretty warm."

Gently stroking his cheek she began to lean in close to him. "I am very much among the living Naruto-kun. I hunger and I thirst and I feel, I am very much among the living."

As she was leaning into him he was slowly leaning down towards her. She smelled of strawberries and her scent seemed to fill his entire world.

"Moka-chan…" he slipped both arms around her.

"Naruto-kun…" her lips were trembling as their faces neared one another.

"Morning Naruto-kun!" Out of nowhere Kurumu leapt into him. She eagerly took hold of his face and tried to smother him with her chest.

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