Happy Birthday

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Late Saturday, following training with the martial arts club, Moka and another girl entered the girls' dorm. The attendant looked up and noted the two ladies; she then returned her attention to her magazine. As the two of them took the stairs up to the fourth floor Moka turned to her blonde friend.

"I'm sorry about this Naruto-kun," Moka whispered. "But boys aren't allowed past the first floor."

The rather attractive blond girl smiled back at her. "No problem Moka-chan, I used to go out like this all the time."

She looked over at him in surprise. "Really?"


"Was it part of your ninja training?"

"A little bit, mostly it was something to do when I was bored. Oh and it was also a great way to get some free meals."

She really wasn't sure how to answer that so she settled for leading him up to her room. Naruto was really excited at the chance to be alone with Moka in her room. She opened the door and he stepped in.

"Surprise!" A loud shout greeted him the second he stepped through the door. There standing in front of him were Kurumu and Yukari. Hanging from the ceiling was a sign that read, 'happy birthday.' To say Naruto was surprised would have been a bit of an understatement. He dropped the henge and stared at the girls.

"What's going on here?" He asked warily.

"We wanted to celebrate your birthday Naruto-kun," Moka said shyly as she shut the door.

"That's right!" Kurumu launched herself at him and forcibly shoved his face into her chest. "Happy birthday Naruto-kun!"

As she continued to press his face into her cleavage he began to wave his arms about wildly.

"I think you're smothering him," Yukari pointed out.

Able to breathe again Naruto looked at the three girls. "Uhm, thanks for the thought, I really appreciate it. But I don't usually celebrate my birthday."

"Why not darling?" Kurumu asked.

"A lot of reasons, but mostly because this day just reminds me of a lot of bad memories."

"Then we should try and make some good memories on this day." Moka said gently.

"That's right!" Yukari said. "You're turning sixteen and we should definitely celebrate it!"

"I appreciate it but I'd really rather not." Naruto said.

"But we all got you presents! And I even made you a special birthday cake!" Kurumu hurried into the kitchen.

Naruto noted that Moka's room was a lot bigger than his; it was actually a small apartment. Apparently the girls got more living space than the boys did. They were in a small living room that connected to a little kitchen. There were two doors that Naruto suspected led to a private bathroom and to Moka's bedroom.

"Here it is!" Kurumu said happily as she came out of the kitchen holding a birthday cake on a tray. All three of them stared at the cake she was holding.

"What sort of cake is that you blue haired bimbo?!" Yukari shouted.

"What? It's chocolate. Naruto-kun likes chocolate."

"But you made it look like a naked version of you." Moka said embarrassed.

"It's an X-rated birthday cake!" Yukari said outraged.

"So what? Naruto-kun likes looking at my body." She smiled at him. "Don't you Naruto-kun?"

"Ahhhh…" Naruto tried desperately to think up a safe answer.

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