A Second Seal

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Naruto was sitting down to a nice relaxing lunch with Kurumu and Yukari at one of the outdoor tables. His appreciation for his friends had only grown in the last couple days. Just about everyone else was treating him was though he might be contagious. Even the teachers seemed to be wary of him now. It was a real relief to be able to sit down with the two of them and actually be treated like a normal person.

"So when do you think Moka-chan will be back?" Yukari asked.

"Well hopefully either today or tomorrow." Naruto said.

"Naruto-kun, why were you placed on the Student Police Committee?" Yukari asked. "From what I can tell they don't really like people like us. Not only that but normally they only accept the most powerful students as members."

That was a difficult question. "Well it's really sort of an honorary thing. Kuyou was asked to protect me and this was his way of doing so."

"Asked by whom?" Yukari wondered.

"All I can say is it was someone very powerful." Yukari frowned; she was obviously not buying it.

"Say Naruto-kun," Kurumu suddenly spoke. "What do you call that thing you wear on your forehead again?"

"This is a hitai-ite, why?"

She pointed. "Because there's some weird old guy heading this way wearing one too."

Naruto turned around to look. Sure enough, there was an old man with spiky white hair and a red and beige outfit heading straight towards them. He had on a hitai-ite, but it was not a leaf one. The symbol on it read, 'oil.'

The weird guy came straight up to him, though his eyes seemed to be focused on Kurumu's chest. "You're Naruto." He said. It wasn't a question. He held out a sealed envelope to him. "Read this."

Naruto quickly took the envelope and opened it. The letter inside was short and to the point. It also bore the signature and seal of the fifth Hokage. When he was done he looked up at his visitor with surprise. "You're Jiraiya? One if the Sannin?" He remembered Iruka's lessons on the exploits of the Sannin.

"I sure am kid. I'm the one and only Jiraiya, famed Toad Sage and author, as well as a legendary lover of women." Though addressing Naruto his eyes remained locked on Kurumu's yellow sweater.

Naruto quickly got up to stand in front of Kurumu. "Hey! Could you at least be a little less obvious you pervert? She's only sixteen."

Kurumu giggled. "Oh you don't need to be upset Naruto-kun. I take it as a compliment. And if he causes me any trouble I'll just charm him and turn him into my slave."

Jiraiya leered at her. "Sounds like a great way to spend the weekend." He gave Naruto an approving grin. "Not too bad kid, you've only been here a few months and you've already got three girls."

"Three?" Naruto was surprised and slightly alarmed. How did he know about Moka?

Jiraiya nodded towards a nearby trash can. "I'm counting the little honey over there who is stalking you."

All eyes turned to the garbage can. A purple haired head popped up from behind it. "Hi."

"Mizore-chan," Naruto said. "What are you doing back there?"

"Having lunch," she answered tranquilly.

"I've got to give you credit kid," Jiraiya said admiringly. "I didn't get my first stalker until I was nineteen." He gave him an obvious wink "So are you dating all of them?"

"No," Naruto said sharply. "I happen to have a girlfriend." At that statement Kurumu looked annoyed, Yukari looked pleased, and Mizore looked very disappointed.

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