Chapter 22/ i can forgive but...

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"You know most of the boyfriends are usually satisfied with just punching me a few times." Gin said.

"Yeah? Well no one's ever really considered me normal." Naruto replied in a calm enough voice.

"I can see that." At the moment Gin was naked and being suspended a couple feet in the air by a set of chains shackled to his wrists. He looked over at Naruto and decided to try and make a joke. "If you're planning to have your way with me I think you should know I don't do that sort of thing."

Naruto chuckled a little. "That would be a fitting punishment though wouldn't it? I mean considering what you did."

"Well, be sure to at least kiss me first and tell me you'll call me after it's done."

Naruto actually laughed. "You're a funny guy Gin, and you're brave too, telling jokes to someone who'd sooner kill you than look at you. I'm starting to understand why Moka likes you so much."

Gin's mind was racing to try and come up with some way out of this. As soon as he'd come to and found himself chained up he'd transformed and tried to bust loose. But the chains had held firm. Maybe if the full moon was out he could somehow manage it, but during day light, as a werewolf, he was at his weakest. If he was going to survive this he was going to have to rely on his wits.

"You know, as far as that goes I want to apologize to you."


Gin nodded and tried to seem as sincere as possible. "Honestly I had no idea the sort of bond the two of you share. Obviously I was wrong to ever think I could come between the two of you. I hope you can understand that what happened was an honest mistake."

Naruto smiled a bit and Gin started to get a very bad feeling in the pit of his stomach. "So you're saying that fucking my girlfriend on a school table was a mistake? So did your dick just sort of accidentally slip into her?"

Gin could feel himself start to sweat. "I really am sorry."

"Oh, I know you are." Naruto began to approach him. "But that's only because I have the power and the inclination to really make you suffer. You're only sorry because you're afraid. If I were some weak powerless guy you wouldn't give a damn how much I had to go through because of what you did."

"Look, can you please just tell me what you want from me? I'm sure we can work something out. I'll stay away from Moka from now on and promise to never even talk to her again."

Naruto gave him a huge smile. "And what is the promise of a dead man worth?" Gin got the distinct impression that Naruto might suddenly start screaming like a madman.

"What do you want?"

"I just called you a dead man didn't I? So I want to kill you, obviously. But first I want to torture you for awhile; partly to find out exactly what happened last night, but mostly just because I want to hear you scream. This warehouse we're in, Moka and I were attacked here once. It's a long way from any where people might be, so feel free to scream to your heart's content." He created a small orange flame at the tip of one finger.

"Listen, Moka told me all about you. She told me you were powerful and willing to kill and do terrible things when necessary. But she also told me you were never wantonly cruel."

He laughed. "Did she ever mention that I was the possessive type?"

He pressed his finger into Gin's shoulder and was immediately rewarded with a loud cry.


Where is he? Where can he be? She'd spent the entire morning running around looking for him. She'd gone to his dorm and had a message sent to his room, only to be told he wasn't there. She'd checked the cafeteria, the general store, and the places he liked to work out. There was not a trace of him anywhere.

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