Awakening the Demon

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Saizou howled as he felt the just healed ribs snap and break. "Mercy!" He cried out. His answer was to have his ribs stomped on again.

"Mercy?" Midou mocked, He brought his over sized fist down cracking open Saizou's skull and sending blood spraying up into his face. "There's no place for mercy here. I warned you what would happen if you lost didn't I?"

Though in agony he looked around at the other members of the crew. They were just sitting there watching. He saw his friend Mohoha and reached a hand out to him. "Please, help me…"

"What? You want me to be killed too?" Mohoha said coldly.

"Can you at least try and die with a little self respect?" Midou sounded disappointed. "You never showed anyone any mercy when you were on top, you can't really expect any now." He brought his fists down on Saizou's face again and again, flattening it and sending his brains and blood all over the floor. When he'd finally had enough Midou stopped and looked up at the other members. He was pretty much covered in blood. He looked at their eyes and nodded to himself. There was no need to say anything, the lesson had obviously been taken to heart. "Take this garbage and bury it somewhere."


It had been a couple weeks since Saizou's attack. Naruto and Moka were both glad that he seemed to have left school. Naruto was still amazed at how easily violence and even death was accepted here. Every week it seemed at least one or two students went missing or were found dead. At a normal high school there would have been mass panic and demands for better security or even demands that the school be closed. Yet here the violence was simply accepted. It was almost seen as a part of common life and hardly worth noticing. Naruto thought back to his time in Konoha. He fully understood that humans could be just as brutal, even the ordinary humans who were not ninja. But in human society violence that occurred within the village was seen as an aberration, as a crime. (War and ninja missions were in a different category.) At least when the victim of said violence was not universally hated.

When he thought about it Naruto suspected there was probably as much violence in human society as there was in monster society. The difference seemed to be that humans tended to see violent behavior as the exception, whereas monsters viewed it more as the norm. He wondered if that meant monsters were more barbaric, or just more honest.

Even though he was surrounded by violence and potential enemies Naruto was happier than he'd ever been. He was finally making headway in the ninja arts and becoming stronger. He'd made two really good friends who he'd grown close to and become fond of. And most importantly of all he had an amazing girlfriend. Of course there were a few issues. One of his friends was constantly threatening to smother him every time he greeted her. She was also trying her best to come between him and his girlfriend. As for said girlfriend there was the slight issue that she liked to drink his blood on a daily basis. There was also the fact that she had a second personality that was kind of scary (though also very hot.) Not to mention that if he ever wanted to have sex with his girlfriend he would have to somehow convince that second personality.

Well, no one ever said life was simple.

"What are you thinking?"

Naruto came out of his own thoughts and looked over at the girl he was walking arm in arm with. Moka was everything he could have ever wished for in a girlfriend. She was absolutely beautiful, sweet, kind, smart, and even powerful. Every single time they walked together he drew jealous looks from the other boys. Despite the problems that came with her being a suppressed vampire he still couldn't help but wonder how such an amazing girl had wound up with an idiot like him.

"I was wondering why you chose me." He said.

She looked confused. "What do you mean?"

"You're such an incredible girl Moka-chan," he said seriously. "And you can have your pick of any guy here. I'm just wondering why you picked me. I mean there are better looking guys, stronger guys, smarter guys; so why are you with someone like me?"

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