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Acacia/Ciarán - Age 12

I'm listening to the lies spewing from Mercury's mouth. He's an entirely different person, someone I've never seen before as he has everyone fooled.

Mama and daddy went to speak with Delaney just like they had said. I'm shocked though; the second Delaney and Mercury arrived back at the castle with my parents. Apparently, he wanted to apologize to everyone face to face with his deepest apology as to what happened to me due to his influence over Ciarán without realizing he was doing it.

Mama and daddies sit on the couch across from the sofa Delaney and Mercury are sitting on. I'm sitting off to the side in a chair near the fireplace in the living room. Mercury continues to say once again, "I had no idea...I didn't realize how much the other boys look up to me let alone Ciarán."

"Mercury, he's just so fascinated by you and the confidence you have," Dante nods while continuing to say, "that's something a future ruler must bear in mind when surrounding himself with those who can bring him reassurance in his choices."

Mercury nods and replies, "I'm so sorry for that...I want to be someone he can look up to, and I didn't realize..."

"You're older," Mama says while finishing the sentence as Mercury's voice falters, "you need to be careful because young children look up to those older for them for guidance and reassurance about their choices between right and wrong. I understand you are much older than Ciarán however, that age difference won't matter so many years from now, however," she pauses while narrowing her eyes and adding, "Ciarán is twelve and needs to focus on his schooling...just like you did."

Mercury releases a sigh and replies, "I understand," he nods at each of my parents before saying, "I promise I'll keep him focused and I didn't mean to cause problems."

"He's too young to be going out when he hasn't completed his work," Mama reiterates and then says, "understand that we don't mind him being friends with you so long as you keep his bests interests in mind."

Mercury says again, "I promise, I can even help him if he needs it."

"I'm sure he'd love to take you up on that offer, however," it's daddy's turn to speak as Mercury's eyes land on him, "Ciarán is grounded for the month and will not be seeing any of his friends until then. He needs to learn there are consequences for his actions."

Furrowing his brows with confusion, Mercury then asks, "I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused," he pauses a moment to turn to his mother before asking, "is this because of me?"

"Yes and no," Dante informs him while motioning in my direction, "due to his change in behavior...he lashed out at his sister and injured her...which demands for him to be reprimanded. This punishment would also have gone into effect if he'd snuck out once more so yes...it could have eventually been your fault directly."

Mercury stares at me curiously and then worriedly asks, "What did he do to Acacia? Why would he even think to hurt her?"

Anger bubbles just beneath the surface of my skin, my hands clenching into fists angrily as I keep my features from shifting. I say nothing though because daddy says, "That's not your concern."

Mercury's features fall as he's unsure of himself...or appearing that way...

Mercury then shakes his head and says, "I'm so sorry...can I please at least apologize to Ciarán as well before his zero friends visit goes into effect?"

Mama parts her lips to speak and shakes her head, however; Dante releases a sigh and says, "I think that would be a good idea. He needs to hear how you're willing to accept your mistakes just like he needs to accept his."

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